Biomechanical engineering is involved with creating and producing a variety of products in everyday use, from environmentally safe plastics to various foods, fabrics, and medicines. A combination of engineering and biology, it is a fast-growing field with many new and exciting opportunities in genetic engineering and biotechnology. However, research surrounding biomechanical applications is scattered and often restricted, leading to the need for a comprehensive publication of the recent advances and developments in this emerging field. Design, Development, and Optimization of...
Biomechanical engineering is involved with creating and producing a variety of products in everyday use, from environmentally safe plastics to various...
Additive manufacturing (AM) and subtractive manufacturing (SM) offer numerous advantages in the production of single and multiple components. They provide incomparable design independence and are used to fabricate products in several industries, e.g.: aeronautic, automotive, biomedical, etc. The book presents recent results of processes including 3D printing, SLS (selective laser sintering), EBM (electron beam melting) and Precise Cutting and Drilling.
Additive manufacturing (AM) and subtractive manufacturing (SM) offer numerous advantages in the production of single and multiple components. They pro...
Engineered composites materials display superior properties to pristine materials. Glass fibres have been used for years in the production of light weight composites. This book is a much needed update as to the processing methods and technologies present in the manufacturing of GFRP. Coverage of machining, cutting, tools, and thermal loads are discussed. Ideal for researchers in academia and industry.
Engineered composites materials display superior properties to pristine materials. Glass fibres have been used for years in the production of light we...
This volume reviews a wide range of processing methods which are currently being used for plastics and composites. Special focus lies on advancements in automation, in development of machines and new software for modeling, new materials for ease in manufacturing and strategies to increase productivity.
This volume reviews a wide range of processing methods which are currently being used for plastics and composites. Special focus lies on advancements ...
Engineering pedagogy is closely linked to both the technical and the pedagogical sciences. Over the years, engineering pedagogy has shifted from practical education to teaching how to integrate information, computational, and communications technology. However, while pedagogical and psychological qualifications are highly important requirements for a teaching career in engineering, the research on engineering pedagogy remains scant and scattered across journal articles, conference proceedings, workshop notes, and official reports. Methodologies and Outcomes of Engineering and Technological...
Engineering pedagogy is closely linked to both the technical and the pedagogical sciences. Over the years, engineering pedagogy has shifted from pract...
R. Keshavamurthy Vijay Tambrallimath J. Paulo Davim
Polymer composite materials are of prime importance and play a vital role in numerous applications. 3D printed polymer composites have been adopted by the aerospace, medical, and automobile industries. However, many challenges and opportunities for the development and application of 3D printed polymer composites have yet to be covered. Development, Properties, and Industrial Applications of 3D Printed Polymer Composites concentrates on cutting-edge technologies and materials as well as processing methods and industrial applications. It further discusses case studies, process issues,...
Polymer composite materials are of prime importance and play a vital role in numerous applications. 3D printed polymer composites have been adopted by...
Scaffold bone replacements are a safe and effective way to cure bone abnormalities, and porous scaffolds can be manufactured using additive manufacturing technology. When scaffolds are implanted in a damaged location, they quickly connect to the host tissue and integrate, stimulating bone production and development. The qualities of porous titanium must be matched to the properties of human bones (i.e., age, sex, and hormones). Using subtractive manufacturing, it is extremely difficult to create the complicated porous structure necessary for the desired characteristic. The Handbook of...
Scaffold bone replacements are a safe and effective way to cure bone abnormalities, and porous scaffolds can be manufactured using additive manufactur...