At the turn of the century, Sigmund Freud's investigation of the mind represented a particular journey into mental illness, but it was not the only exploration of this 'territory' in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Sanatoriums were the new tourism destinations, psychiatrists were collecting art works produced by patients and writers were developing innovative literary techniques to convey a character's interior life. This collection of essays uses the framework of journeys in order to highlight the diverse artistic, cultural and medical responses to a peculiarly Viennese anxiety about the...
At the turn of the century, Sigmund Freud's investigation of the mind represented a particular journey into mental illness, but it was not the only...
During the great flourishing of modern art in fin-de-siecle""Vienna, artists of that city focused on images of individuals. Their portraits depict artists, patrons, families, friends, intellectual allies, and society celebrities from the upwardly mobile middle classes. Viewed as a whole, the images allow us to reconstruct the subjects' shifting identities as the Austro-Hungarian Empire underwent dramatic political changes, from the 1867 "Ausgleich" (Compromise) to the end of World War I. This is viewed as a time when the avant-garde overthrew the academy, yet "Facing the Modern "tells a more...
During the great flourishing of modern art in fin-de-siecle""Vienna, artists of that city focused on images of individuals. Their portraits depict art...