Follow the adventures of a colony of cats living on the streets of metropolitan New York City, as they face danger, find love, and reunite with long lost family in the Big Apple. Lauren, a pampered uptown cat, becomes stranded in a snowstorm and is rescued by a tabby named Buster, a seasoned street cat. They fall in love, but tragedy tears them apartLeft to fend for herself, Lauren gives birth to three kittens, who are soon forced to survive on their own in Manhattan, after Lauren is captured and whisked away from them. When their sister, Blanche, is taken from them by a kind lady, Sally and...
Follow the adventures of a colony of cats living on the streets of metropolitan New York City, as they face danger, find love, and reunite with long l...
Ever since Penelope Tench was in grade school, she knew there was no one living on Colony Island she was interested in choosing as a mate. There were feral boys-merfolk who lived in the ocean-but they were not a viable choice. Penelope could only spend three days at sea before wanting to return home to her warm bed and a hot meal. She wanted to find a mate and have a family someday, like most females, with or without scales, but as she grew up, her chances lessened, as there seemed to be only one option left-and mermaids were strongly advised not fall to in love with humans.
Ever since Penelope Tench was in grade school, she knew there was no one living on Colony Island she was interested in choosing as a mate. There were ...