The Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia's Auditing, Assurance and Ethics Handbook 2013 incorporates all of the Australian Auditing and Assurance Standards in Clarity format, Guidance Statements and Professional and Ethical Standards issued as at 1 December 2012. New to the 2013 edition are: * The Standard on Assurance Engagements ASAE 3410 Assurance Engagements on Greenhouse Gas Statements * Two new Standards on Assurance Engagements ASAE 3420 and ASAE 3450, which relate to assurance engagements in the context of fundraisings * The Standard on Related Services ASRS 4450 Comfort...
The Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia's Auditing, Assurance and Ethics Handbook 2013 incorporates all of the Australian Auditing and Assura...
The Institute of Chartered AccountantsAustralia s Financial Reporting Handbook2013 incorporates a comprehensive listing of AustralianAccounting Standards and Interpretations applicable at 30 June2013, as issued at 1 December 2012.
The 2013 edition contains: * The AASB conceptual framework, Accounting Standards andInterpretations applicable for the 2013 reporting season, includingthe compiled versions of Standards issued to 1 December2012. * AASB 10 Consolidated Financial Statements, AASB 11 JointArrangements, AASB 12 Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities,AASB 13 Fair Value...
The Institute of Chartered AccountantsAustralia s Financial Reporting Handbook2013 incorporates a comprehensive listing of AustralianAccounting Stand...