Goose Music is a co-written by two notable poets Andy Brown and John Burnside. The poems are intense lyrics paying close attention to natural detail, and explore ideas of identity, self, myth, landscape and place in these times of great environmental change.
Goose Music is a co-written by two notable poets Andy Brown and John Burnside. The poems are intense lyrics paying close attention to natural detail, ...
In one tragic week at Fairchild Air Force Base, an -active shooter- terrorized the base hospital and a talented but reckless pilot crashed a B-52 bomber near the flight line. Both fatal tragedies had been repeatedly predicted by numerous airmen and mental health professionals. In -vivid and thoroughly researched detail- Warnings Unheeded delivers an unprecedented, in-depth look at the events that led to the twin tragedies.
The book follows an -active shooter- as he progresses toward his crime and dispels the myth that these incidents are random acts of...
In one tragic week at Fairchild Air Force Base, an -active shooter- terrorized the base hospital and a talented but reckless pilot crashed a B-52 b...
The Franks Casket is an 8th century Anglo-Saxon treasure chest in the British Museum, decorated with runes, some Latin text and images from various traditions. Each rune has a pictorial value: for example, in the runic (`fisc'), f signifies `wealth', i `ice', s `sun' and c `torch', yielding a sequence of four images. I determined the sequence of images given by the runes and then used these images to write the poems, which aim to capture something of the layered histories of the place where I live: the river Teign and its surrounding area. -Andy Brown
The Franks Casket is an 8th century Anglo-Saxon treasure chest in the British Museum, decorated with runes, some Latin text and images from various tr...