Stefan Grundmann, Hans-Peter Schwintowski, Reinhard Singer, Martin Weber
Aus Anlass des 65. Geburtstages von Eberhard Schwark wurde im November 2004 ein Symposium mit dem Titel "Anlegerschutz durch Kapitalmarktrecht" veranstaltet. Es hatte neue Entwicklungen des Kapitalmarktrechts in Deutschland und Europa zum Gegenstand. Die Beitrage dieses Symposiums gibt der vorliegende Band wieder. Von November 2004 bis Februar 2005 fand das "Praxisseminar Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht" statt, das der Jubilar an der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin etabliert hat. Das Seminar gibt Studenten die Gelegenheit, auswartige Sachverstandige aus der Praxis und Professoren anderer...
Aus Anlass des 65. Geburtstages von Eberhard Schwark wurde im November 2004 ein Symposium mit dem Titel "Anlegerschutz durch Kapitalmarktrecht" verans...
Rome is where the history of European architecture was written. This book includes an alphabetical index and detailed maps, whose information does not just immediately illustrate the historical picture, but also makes it possible to choose a personal route
Rome is where the history of European architecture was written. This book includes an alphabetical index and detailed maps, whose information does not...
Stefan Grundmann, Wolfgang Kerber, Stephen Weatherill
Die Frage nach der Privatautonomie und ihren Grenzen spielt seit jeher eine bedeutende Rolle in den nationalen Vertrags- und Privatrechten. Auf europaischer Ebene dominieren Regeln, die zwar die Informationenpreisgabe zwingend vorschreiben, die Bestimmung des Vertragsinhalts dann jedoch wieder den Parteien uberantworten. Dieses Grundsatzthema uber Geist und Funktionieren des Binnenmarktes, mit dem nach einer moglichst weitgehenden Erhaltung von Freiheit bei gleichzeitiger Verburgung der notwendigen Schutzziele gefragt ist, ist Gegenstand des vorliegenden Bandes. Es wird hier von...
Die Frage nach der Privatautonomie und ihren Grenzen spielt seit jeher eine bedeutende Rolle in den nationalen Vertrags- und Privatrechten. Auf eur...
This book introduces and develops the paradigm of the organisational contract in European contract law. Suggesting that a more radical distinction should be made between contracts which regulate single or spot exchanges and contracts that organize complex economic activities without creating a new legal entity, the book argues that this distinction goes beyond that between spot and relational contracts because it focuses on the organizational dimension of contracting and its governance features. Divided into six parts, the volume brings together a group of internationally renowned experts to...
This book introduces and develops the paradigm of the organisational contract in European contract law. Suggesting that a more radical distinction sho...
Now available in paperback Over the last decade, European company law has been re-written completely. Virtually no EU measure remained unchanged and most of them have undergone fundamental reform. This is astonishing since almost half of these measures only came into existence after the turn of the millennium. In the last five years, 'modern' European company law has been characterized by a strong foundation of accounting law, i.e. the basic information scheme in international models (IFRS); the practicability and reality of cross-border mobility in its different types; the considerable...
Now available in paperback Over the last decade, European company law has been re-written completely. Virtually no EU measure remained unchanged and ...
Volume 11 explains investment banking in a broad sense, including its European and international dimensions. In addition to overviews of various areas - including, for example, emissions trading - it focuses primarily on commentaries on the following individual laws: WpHG German Securities Trading Act] (now including the MM-VO and EMIR Market Abuse Directive and European Market Infrastructure Regulation]), BorsG Stock Exchange Act] WpProspG Securities Prospectus Act], WpUG Security and Takeover Act], DepotG Security Deposit Act]. The commentary and some presentations of individual...
Volume 11 explains investment banking in a broad sense, including its European and international dimensions. In addition to overviews of various ar...
European Contract Law in the Digital Age offers an overview of the interactions between digital technologies and contract law and takes into account the two (late) 2015 EU Commission proposals on digital contracting and digital content. The book goes beyond these proposals and is grouped around the three pillars of an architecture of contract law in the digital age: the regulatory framework; digital interventions over the life-cycle of the contract; and digital objects of contracting. The discussion of the regulatory framework looks at the platforms used for digital contracting - such as...
European Contract Law in the Digital Age offers an overview of the interactions between digital technologies and contract law and takes into account t...
Equality has been seen as the core of any quest of justice since Aristotle's Nicomachian Ethics. Reaching not only situational equality, but equality in status, however, had not been achieved until modern times. The father of ethics and his systematic enquiry into the concept of justice did not have any problems with foreigners without rights, women as second-class citizens and enslaving people - nor did antiquity at large, medieval era or even the high renaissance. While suum cuique (treating equal issues equally and unequal issues unequally) had been in place since antiquity and Cicero,...
Equality has been seen as the core of any quest of justice since Aristotle's Nicomachian Ethics. Reaching not only situational equality, but equality ...