Provides information for adults about how they might better understand total fitness and to encourage them to cultivate it in our most important resource, our children. This book attempts to inform the parents and teachers, and anyone who is concerned about children's health, what efforts must be made to improve the fitness of our children.
Provides information for adults about how they might better understand total fitness and to encourage them to cultivate it in our most important resou...
Stress has become associated with greater susceptibility to various illnesses. The condition is also costly from an economic and financial perspective, but such costs hardly reflect the human costs of emotional trauma and physical suffering that result fro
Stress has become associated with greater susceptibility to various illnesses. The condition is also costly from an economic and financial perspective...
The purpose of this book is to learn about stress so that you can take action and control of it. Certain essential steps need to be taken in dealing with stress. To begin with, it is important to develop an understanding in terms of what it is and how it can affect human beings. This book grapples successfully with the facts necessary to become your own stressologist. Topics include: what is stress; how we react to stress; causes and effects of stress; stress and emotional stability; developing a stress management lifestyle; rest, sleep and stress; reducing stress through exercise; reducing...
The purpose of this book is to learn about stress so that you can take action and control of it. Certain essential steps need to be taken in dealing w...
Whatever is the world coming to? Eighty-year-olds are running the Marathon. Card shop are selling birthday greeting cards for 100-year-olds. A physician asks his octogenarian patient if his parents are still living. There is an increasing number of grandchildren who are upwards of 50 years of age. And on and on and on. These days when a statistic regarding life expectancy is announced it becomes obsolete almost immediately. The oldest of the old are not only here to stay, but in increasingly larger numbers. This book is concerned essentially with the behaviours, needs and interests and other...
Whatever is the world coming to? Eighty-year-olds are running the Marathon. Card shop are selling birthday greeting cards for 100-year-olds. A physici...
Stress can affect anyone regardless of age, sex, creed, or race. It can rear its head anywhere and anytime, and it has likely been a fact of life since prehistoric days. While stress is obviously a concern of all, it has particular resonance among college students, from freshmen experiencing their first separation from home to seniors having to find that first job. In addition, students have to face other worries like time constraints, grades, and financial woes. Stress also can afflict an entire group, as witnessed by the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. With stress such an indisputable...
Stress can affect anyone regardless of age, sex, creed, or race. It can rear its head anywhere and anytime, and it has likely been a fact of life sinc...
Stress has increasingly become associated with greater susceptibility to various illnesses. The condition is also costly from an economic and financial perspective, but such costs hardly reflect the human costs of emotional trauma and physical suffering that result from the illness. Women today are in a situation where both the monetary and human effects of stress take their toll as women face unprecedented pressures in accommodating the demands of home and career and personal family stresses that often result. In addition to this, while women are prone to the same stressors as men, they are...
Stress has increasingly become associated with greater susceptibility to various illnesses. The condition is also costly from an economic and financia...