Are teachers ready for inclusion? What is appropriate teacher education?
Traditional approaches to inclusive education focused on learners with disabilities. Modern approaches, however, conceptualise inclusion in terms of providing educational equity and equality of access for all students within the same regular school system.
Future Directions for Inclusive Teacher Education provides a wealth of ideas about how to support teachers to become inclusive through the application of positive training approaches. Written by some of the most...
Are teachers ready for inclusion? What is appropriate teacher education?
Traditional approaches to inclusive education focu...
In the first section, broad issues associated with assessment for, of, and in learning in inclusive classrooms; measuring the implementation of inclusive policy; identifying and removing barriers to inclusion; resourcing and financing; and, evaluating effective teacher preparation for inclusion provide the structure for discussion. The second section commences with a current and in-depth review of the literature on the development of international indicators for measuring inclusive education. Examples of some of the models presently employed to frame an evaluation of inclusive practice are...
In the first section, broad issues associated with assessment for, of, and in learning in inclusive classrooms; measuring the implementation of inclus...