The Reluctant Land describes the evolving pattern of settlement and the changing relationships of people and land in Canada from the end of the fifteenth century to the Confederation years of the late 1860s and early 1870s. It shows how a deeply indigenous land was reconstituted in European terms, and, at the same time, how European ways were recalibrated in this non-European space. It also shows how an archipelago of scattered settlement emerged out of an encounter with a parsimonious land, and suggests how deeply this encounter differed from an American relationship with...
The Reluctant Land describes the evolving pattern of settlement and the changing relationships of people and land in Canada from the end of ...
This classic study in modern historical geography reflects the changing regional character of that part of North America that was to become Canada. "A pioneering bench-mark for future researchers, recognized for its scholarly as well as its literary qualities." Journal of Historical Geography.
This classic study in modern historical geography reflects the changing regional character of that part of North America that was to become Canada. "A...