In an era characterized by data globalization, there is, paradoxically, a shortage of literature on the social impact of globalization, technology diffusion, and gender disparity. The new information and knowledge society may, in fact, aggravate the development and poverty gap instead of closing it. The cultural construction of knowledge exacerbates class, ethnic, and gender divides, and ICT has contributed to this problem. Globalization, Technology Diffusion and Gender Disparity: Social Impacts of ICTs discusses theoretical aspects of gender issues in ICT and presents a number of case...
In an era characterized by data globalization, there is, paradoxically, a shortage of literature on the social impact of globalization, technology dif...
As people grow older, cultural issues arise. Recognizing how social influences guide and restrict people leads to a better understanding of one's self and helps people as they age. Multicultural Perspectives on Gender and Aging provides emerging research on midlife issues, physical aspects of aging, and the emotional value in the context of the culture in which people are living. While highlighting topics such as elderly disabilities, quality of life, and gender dimensions, this publication explores self-esteem in older members of society. This book is an important resource for...
As people grow older, cultural issues arise. Recognizing how social influences guide and restrict people leads to a better understanding of one's self...