'Discount Armageddon' introduces us to Verity Price, journeyman cryptozoologist, ballroom dancer, and former reality television star. She's on assignment in Manhattan, researching the local cryptid community while she pursues her dance career. It's a cushy job - at least until local cryptids start disappearing, and all signs start pointing to a man from the Covenant of St. George. But is Dominic De Luca really to blame?
'Discount Armageddon' introduces us to Verity Price, journeyman cryptozoologist, ballroom dancer, and former reality television star. She's on assignm...
One of the Top 20 Paranormal Fantasy Novels of the Past Decade: Meet October 'Toby' Daye: fae half-breed, former street kid, self-exiled knight-errant from the Dutchy of Shadowed Hills.
One of the Top 20 Paranormal Fantasy Novels of the Past Decade: Meet October 'Toby' Daye: fae half-breed, former street kid, self-exiled knight-errant...
One Salt Sea is the fifth book in the October Daye series, a modern urban fantasy set in both the San Francisco Bay Area and the Faerie Kingdom of the Mists which overlays Northern California.
One Salt Sea is the fifth book in the October Daye series, a modern urban fantasy set in both the San Francisco Bay Area and the Faerie Kingdom of the...
'McGuire hits her stride with this fast-paced, sharply plotted, tense urban fantasy, the third featuring half-fae detective Toby Daye.' - Publisher's Weekly
'McGuire hits her stride with this fast-paced, sharply plotted, tense urban fantasy, the third featuring half-fae detective Toby Daye.' - Publisher's ...
Rodina Priceových se po celé generace věnuje zkoumání monster z celého světa a snaží se je chránit před lidmi – a lidi před nimi. Verity Priceová je od narození vedená k práci kryptozooložky, ačkoli by raději tančila tango, než se zaplétala s démony. Když ji její práce s komunitou kryptidů zavála na Manhattan, myslela si, že jí konečně nic nebude bránit v účasti na prestižních tanečních soutěžích. Jenže ono to dopadlo trochu jinak… Nyní, když Verity vyřešila problém hadího kultu, který zabíjel panny z celého Manhattanu, je...
Rodina Priceových se po celé generace věnuje zkoumání monster z celého světa a snaží se je chránit před lidmi – a lidi před nimi. Verity...