Thisvolumecontainsthewrittenversionsofinvitedlecturespresentedat the 39. InternationaleUniversit]atswochenfur ] Kern-undTeilchenphysik in Schladming, Austria, which took place from February 26th to March 4th, 2000. The title of the school was Methods of Quantization . This is, of course, averybroad?eld, soonlysomeofthenewandinterestingdevel- mentscouldbecoveredwithinthescopeoftheschool. About75yearsagoSchr]odingerpresentedhisfamouswaveequationand Heisenbergcameupwithhisalgebraicapproachtothequantum-theoretical treatmentofatoms. Aimingmainlyatanappropriatedescriptionofatomic systems, these...
Thisvolumecontainsthewrittenversionsofinvitedlecturespresentedat the 39. InternationaleUniversit]atswochenfur ] Kern-undTeilchenphysik in Schladming, ...
Thisvolumecontainsthewrittenversionsofinvitedlecturespresentedat the 39. InternationaleUniversit]atswochenfur ] Kern-undTeilchenphysik in Schladming, Austria, which took place from February 26th to March 4th, 2000. The title of the school was Methods of Quantization . This is, of course, averybroad?eld, soonlysomeofthenewandinterestingdevel- mentscouldbecoveredwithinthescopeoftheschool. About75yearsagoSchr]odingerpresentedhisfamouswaveequationand Heisenbergcameupwithhisalgebraicapproachtothequantum-theoretical treatmentofatoms. Aimingmainlyatanappropriatedescriptionofatomic systems, these...
Thisvolumecontainsthewrittenversionsofinvitedlecturespresentedat the 39. InternationaleUniversit]atswochenfur ] Kern-undTeilchenphysik in Schladming, ...
In this volume seven leading theoreticians and experimenters review the origin of the asymmetry of matter and antimatter in the Big Bang, solar neutrinos, the physics of enormous densities and temperatures in stars and of immense magnetic fields around collapsed stars, strong electric fields in heavy ion collisions, and the extreme conditions in quark-gluon plasmas. The articles address nuclear and particle physicists, especially graduate students, but also astrophysicists and cosmologists, since they have to deal with events under the extreme physical conditions discussed here.
In this volume seven leading theoreticians and experimenters review the origin of the asymmetry of matter and antimatter in the Big Bang, solar neutri...