Stephan Ruscheweyh, Edward B. Saff, Luis C. Salinas, Richard S Varga
The volume is devoted to the interaction of modern scientific computation and classical function theory. Many problems in pure and more applied function theory can be tackled using modern computing facilities: numerically as well as in the sense of computer algebra. On the other hand, computer algorithms are often based on complex function theory, and dedicated research on their theoretical foundations can lead to great enhancements in performance. The contributions - original research articles, a survey and a collection of problems - cover a broad range of such problems.
The volume is devoted to the interaction of modern scientific computation and classical function theory. Many problems in pure and more applied functi...
The research results of an international scientific project on approximation theory are presented in this volume. Topics discussed include the asymptotic behaviour of orthogonal polynomials, quadrature formulae, the theory of n-widths and wavelet analysis.
The research results of an international scientific project on approximation theory are presented in this volume. Topics discussed include the asympto...