"Donna Barr's war-time comedy drama sees the gay brother of Rommel lead a band of misfits in the Africa Korps. ""Desert Peach"" soon found a stride that has escaped all other war comics. Blending humour and drama without sacrificing either, ""Desert Peach"" eschews easy answers or code morality, to portray a story of duty and honour, of doing what you can in whatever situation you are in, and finding your true nature. Very poignant without being schmaltzy, 'Desert Peach' is an odd mixture. It shouldn't work but it does." -- Richard Johnston, Lying In The Gutters (Some earlier copies of this...
"Donna Barr's war-time comedy drama sees the gay brother of Rommel lead a band of misfits in the Africa Korps. ""Desert Peach"" soon found a stride th...
Horses as people and people as horses. What began as a fun project about anatomy became an allegory about slavery and rights of beings. Beautifully drawn, and much-beloved, now it's a complete collection.
Horses as people and people as horses. What began as a fun project about anatomy became an allegory about slavery and rights of beings. Beautifully dr...