Professional Development Schools: Researching Lessons from the Field provides a comprehensive analysis of PDS research that can aid PDS stakeholders in designing and sustaining meaningful research in their partnerships. Breault and Breault used an extensive qualitative meta-synthesis to examine the research over the past 20 years. Their comprehensive review of 300 studies provides a.deep understanding of the challenges and potential within PDSs. The authors offer analysis regarding key elements of PDSs and highlight strong studies including a large-scale, multi-site study and studies using...
Professional Development Schools: Researching Lessons from the Field provides a comprehensive analysis of PDS research that can aid PDS stakeholders i...
Experiencing Dewey: Insights for Today's Classroom offers an inspiring introduction to one of the most seminal figures in the field of education. In this collection of essays, contemporary authors consider their favorite quotations from John Dewey's bountiful works and share how Dewey has impacted their teaching practices. Responses are organized around the themes introduced in the first edition: active learning, the educative experience, critical thinking, inquiry and education, and democratic citizenship, plus a new section on accountability added for the second edition. Quotes and...
Experiencing Dewey: Insights for Today's Classroom offers an inspiring introduction to one of the most seminal figures in the field of education. In t...
This book has won the O.L. Davis, Jr. Outstanding Book Award 2015 from the American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (AATC)
Curriculum as Spaces: Aesthetics, Community, and the Politics of Place can be viewed as a holistic approach to education, conservation, and community development that uses place as an integrating context for learning. It argues that curriculum and place is a much deeper subject, with roots in aesthetics, community, and politics that go beyond the individual and profoundly address the formation of our current belief system. Despite the unique...
This book has won the O.L. Davis, Jr. Outstanding Book Award 2015 from the American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (AATC)
This book has won the O.L. Davis, Jr. Outstanding Book Award 2015 from the American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (AATC)
Curriculum as Spaces: Aesthetics, Community, and the Politics of Place can be viewed as a holistic approach to education, conservation, and community development that uses place as an integrating context for learning. It argues that curriculum and place is a much deeper subject, with roots in aesthetics, community, and politics that go beyond the individual and profoundly address the formation of our current belief system. Despite the unique...
This book has won the O.L. Davis, Jr. Outstanding Book Award 2015 from the American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (AATC)