During the last decades the appearance of a family has changed substantially. Not long ago a typical family consisted of an employed man and a home-managing woman living together for their whole life times, and having one or more children, which primarily were raised by the wife. Today differing living models are much more common than before. House husbands, late motherhood, and a delayed work entry of the children are some of the related phenomena, which at the same time are reasons for and consequences of the changed view on the favorite family. Not surprisingly, this change has...
During the last decades the appearance of a family has changed substantially. Not long ago a typical family consisted of an employed man and a hom...
Amelie F. Constant, Konstantinos Tatsiramos, Klaus F. Zimmermann
How immigrants and their descendants fare in the host society and in particular in the labor market is a very important question. While differences among ethnicities have been found to be marked and persistent within many host countries, and while the labor market consequences of diversity have been recognized, they have not been sufficiently examined. This volume contains fresh knowledge to help better understand the complex relationship between ethnic or minority groups, the role of ethnic identity and their disparate economic performance; 12 papers that individually and collectively go to...
How immigrants and their descendants fare in the host society and in particular in the labor market is a very important question. While differences am...
Gunter Steinmann, Klaus F. Zimmermann, Gerhard Heilig
Auf der Welt leben gegenwartig mehr als 5 Milliarden Menschen, davon ungefahr 3,8 Milliarden in den Entwicklungslandern. Besonders in den Landern der Dritten Welt ist die Bevolkerung nach dem 2. Weltkrieg rasch gewachsen. Welche Probleme ergeben sich aus dieser Bevolkerungsentwicklung? Dieser Frage wird in dem Konferenzband der Jahrestagung 1988 der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Bevolkerungswissenschaft nachgegangen. Diskutiert werden Trends und Konsequenzen des Bevolkerungswachstums, soziokulturelle Probleme in der Dritten Welt und die Probleme der Ernahrung und der Familienplanung in der...
Auf der Welt leben gegenwartig mehr als 5 Milliarden Menschen, davon ungefahr 3,8 Milliarden in den Entwicklungslandern. Besonders in den Landern der ...
In the globalized economy, labor migration has become of central importance. A key issue in the analysis of immigration is how the migrants fare in the economy in which they migrate, and how they assimilate towards the behavior of the natives. Using data from the United States, Canada, many European countries, Australia and New Zealand, the chapters study the developments of earnings, employment, unemployment, self-employment, occupational choices and educational attainment after migration. The book also investigates the role of language in labor market integration and examines the...
In the globalized economy, labor migration has become of central importance. A key issue in the analysis of immigration is how the migrants fare i...
Die vorliegende Arbeit schlieGt ein lange res Forschungsprojekt zu okonomischen Aspekten familialer Entscheidungen abo Ausgangs punkte waren einerseits die bedeutenden Veranderungen demogra phi scher Prozesse in Verbindung mit der gestiegenen Arbeits marktaktivitat verheirateter Frauen, die empirisch aufgearbei tet und vor dem Hintergrund eines theoretischen Modells be wertet werden sollten. Andererseits war die neue okonomische Theorie der Familie - insbesondere mit Arbeiten von Becke- in Deutschland praktisch nicht zur Kenntnis genommen worden. Die Arbeit beabsichtigt, einen Beitrag zur...
Die vorliegende Arbeit schlieGt ein lange res Forschungsprojekt zu okonomischen Aspekten familialer Entscheidungen abo Ausgangs punkte waren einerseit...
In the age of globalization, the importance of migration for the industrialized countries has increased. Inflows of migrants have steadily risen in the 1980s and the early 1990s. Yet while the public debate about policy responses to these developments continues, research findings of economists are often ignored. In this four volume collection the editors have selected some of the most significant contributions on the economics of migration, which provide an overview of the present state of empirical migration research. Topics covered include the migration decision, the integration of...
In the age of globalization, the importance of migration for the industrialized countries has increased. Inflows of migrants have steadily risen in th...
During the last decades the appearance of a family has changed substantially. Not long ago a typical family consisted of an employed man and a home-managing woman living together for their whole life times, and having one or more children, which primarily were raised by the wife. Today differing living models are much more common than before. House husbands, late motherhood, and a delayed work entry of the children are some of the related phenomena, which at the same time are reasons for and consequences of the changed view on the favorite family. Not surprisingly, this change has...
During the last decades the appearance of a family has changed substantially. Not long ago a typical family consisted of an employed man and a hom...
Migration economics is a dynamic, fast-growing research area with significant and rising policy relevance. While its scope is continually extending, there is no authoritative treatment of its various branches in one volume. Written by 44 leading experts in the field, this carefully commissioned and refereed Handbook brings together 28 state-of-the-art chapters on migration research and related issues.
Migration economics is a dynamic, fast-growing research area with significant and rising policy relevance. While its scope is continually extending, t...
Solomon W. Polachek, Konstantinos Tatsiramos, Klaus F. Zimmermann
For most countries, women's labor force participation and hours of work has risen while men's have fallen. Concomitantly, men's and women's wages and occupational structures have been converging. This volume contains new and innovative research on issues related to gender convergence in the labor market. Topics include patterns in lifetime work, earnings and human capital investment, the gender wage gap, gender complementarities, career progression, the gender composition of top management and the role of parental leave policies. Among the questions answered are: Do the levels of and returns...
For most countries, women's labor force participation and hours of work has risen while men's have fallen. Concomitantly, men's and women's wages and ...
Solomon W. Polachek, Konstantinos Tatsiramos, Klaus F. Zimmermann
Why in 2015 are there still large gender differences in economic success? This volume consists of a set of state of the art research articles to answer this question. Focus areas include educational attainment, financial risk management, bargaining power, social mobility, and intergenerational transfers in the US and abroad.
Why in 2015 are there still large gender differences in economic success? This volume consists of a set of state of the art research articles to answe...