Awareness of the history of the interaction between women and the Canadian state is central to understanding and evaluating action in the present and in the future. Women and the Canadian State makes an important contribution to the ongoing debate. Contributors include Dyane Adam, Naomi Alboim, Pat Armstrong, Monique Begin, Florence Bird, Claire Bonenfant, Lorenne M.G. Clark, Maria de Koninck, Martha Flaherty, Catherine Frazee, Nitya Iyer, Jane Jenson, Diane Lamoureux, Marie Lavigne, Wendy Moss, Mary Jane Mossman, Marie Murphy, Teressa Anne Nahanee, Maureen O'Neil, Freda L. Paltiel, Carol...
Awareness of the history of the interaction between women and the Canadian state is central to understanding and evaluating action in the present and ...
Caroline Andrew, John Biles, John Biles, Meyer Burstein, Meyer Burstein, Caroline Andrew
Ontario receives the majority of newcomers to Canada, and its cities are a locus of diversity. Recognizing that the building and sustenance of "welcoming communities" is as much a local project as a national and provincial one, this volume explores the activities of municipal governments in Ontario as well as those of a number of other important "social forces" situated at the local level. Twelve city case studies are guided by a common template to facilitate comparisons and allow for an overall mapping of the players and a better estimation of the investments -- human and financial - that...
Ontario receives the majority of newcomers to Canada, and its cities are a locus of diversity. Recognizing that the building and sustenance of "welcom...
Gendering the Nation-State explores the gendered dimensions of a fundamental organizational unit in social and political science -- the nation-state. Yasmeen Abu-Laban has drawn together work by both high-profile and emerging scholars to rescue gender from the margins of theoretical discussions on the nation, the state, public policy, and citizenship. Contributors bring the insights of feminist analysis to bear on three relationships central to popular and policy discussions in contemporary Canada and beyond: gender and nation, gender and state processes, and gender and...
Gendering the Nation-State explores the gendered dimensions of a fundamental organizational unit in social and political science -- the nati...
Awareness of the history of the interaction between women and the Canadian state is central to understanding and evaluating action in the present and in the future. Women and the Canadian State makes an important contribution to the ongoing debate. Contributors include Dyane Adam, Naomi Alboim, Pat Armstrong, Monique Begin, Florence Bird, Claire Bonenfant, Lorenne M.G. Clark, Maria de Koninck, Martha Flaherty, Catherine Frazee, Nitya Iyer, Jane Jenson, Diane Lamoureux, Marie Lavigne, Wendy Moss, Mary Jane Mossman, Marie Murphy, Teressa Anne Nahanee, Maureen O'Neil, Freda L. Paltiel, Carol...
Awareness of the history of the interaction between women and the Canadian state is central to understanding and evaluating action in the present and ...
Housing insecurity, intensified employment anxiety, access to adequate services, and fear of personal and structural violence are some of the issues troubling today's cities and municipalities. Often, these conditions most affect residents whose place in the social hierarchy makes them particularly susceptible to exclusion. Seeking to redress these trends and guide research to facilitate meaningful local action, Toward Equity and Inclusion in Canadian Cities promotes more inclusive urban environments by highlighting and comparing theoretical and practice-based insights. Building on feminist,...
Housing insecurity, intensified employment anxiety, access to adequate services, and fear of personal and structural violence are some of the issues t...
Caroline Andrew Ruth Hubbard Gilles Paquet (University of Ottawa)
La gouvernance communautaire, comme la gouvernance publique et privee, doit innover, et apprendre de maniere continue a faire mieux en faisant autrement. Or, cela ne peut se faire que grace a la collaboration, et celle-ci va prendre des formes diverses selon le milieu. L'innovation sociale adopte aussi des formes differentes en divers points d'un pays comme le Canada fait de societes distinctes par la langue, la culture et les arrangements institutionnels. Le fait que le monde communautaire se decline au pluriel implique que la collaboration est souvent plus difficile et que l'innovation se...
La gouvernance communautaire, comme la gouvernance publique et privee, doit innover, et apprendre de maniere continue a faire mieux en faisant autreme...
Caroline Andrew Richard Clement M Graham Fraser (Universite d'Ottawa)
Proceedings of the international symposium, "Language Planning in Capitals and Urban Environments," held March 25-26, 2010 at the University of Ottawa, with sponsorship from the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute, Canadian Heritage, the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages and the City of Ottawa. The Language Planning in Capitals and Urban Environments Symposium brought together administrators and researchers from Canadian and European cities to discuss language planning in urban environments. Two important concepts emerged from the proceedings: municipal...
Proceedings of the international symposium, "Language Planning in Capitals and Urban Environments," held March 25-26, 2010 at the University of Ottawa...