Looks at the relationship of working-class organizations to gender and the role of women in their movements and in society in general during the interwar period. National chapters are arranged in geographic and thematic sections on left-wing parties in Central Europe, social democratic parties in Ho
Looks at the relationship of working-class organizations to gender and the role of women in their movements and in society in general during the inter...
Until recently, histories of women tended to be segregated from the larger historical context. This pioneering volume places the role of women within the history of the interwar years, whenboth the women's and socialist movements became prominent, and raises the key question of how power was distributed between the genders in a historical setting. The emblematic title of this volume highlights the fundamental conception of this comparative study of eleven West European countries: that in the interwar decades two great movements gained in strength, converged, diverged, competed, and...
Until recently, histories of women tended to be segregated from the larger historical context. This pioneering volume places the role of women within ...
Der Band ist das Ergebnis eines im Oktober 2004 an der Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klagenfurt veranstalteten Symposiums, welches das Ziel hatte, ein Forum fur die sprachwissenschaftliche Forschung zum wissenschaftlichen Schreiben abseits des englischen Mainstreams zu schaffen. Ein zweiter thematischer Schwerpunkt bestand in der Untersuchung europaischer Sprachen und Wissenschaftskulturen ausserhalb des Englischen. Damit sollte der Vielfalt europaischer Wissenschaftskulturen und -traditionen Rechnung getragen und ihr Wert fur das vereinte Europa des 21. Jahrhunderts bewusst gemacht und...
Der Band ist das Ergebnis eines im Oktober 2004 an der Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klagenfurt veranstalteten Symposiums, welches das Ziel hatte, ein Forum...
The 32nd Austrian Congress in Linguistics in 2004 hosted a workshop entitled -Empirical Approaches to Discourse Analysis-. This workshop aimed at bringing together proponents of different empirical approaches to discourse analysis and raising discussion among such diverse disciplines as Systemic Functional Linguistics, Rhetorical Structure Theory, Conversation Analysis, Social Pragmatics, Argumentation Theory, Critical Discourse Analysis, Multimodal Discourse Analysis and Corpus Linguistics. The volume is the result of the fruitful discussion and the interdisciplinary work started in that...
The 32nd Austrian Congress in Linguistics in 2004 hosted a workshop entitled -Empirical Approaches to Discourse Analysis-. This workshop aimed at brin...
Over the past four decades, discourse coherence has been studied from linguistic, psycholinguistic, computational, and applied perspectives. This volume identifies current issues and under-researched topics in the pragmatics of discourse coherence. Nine studies from various disciplines address the realization and signalling of coherence relations in various genres and languages, their acquisition and use by first- and second-language learners and university students, the relationship between coherence relations and genre-specific discourse structure, and extensions of the coherence paradigm...
Over the past four decades, discourse coherence has been studied from linguistic, psycholinguistic, computational, and applied perspectives. This volu...