Two film producers, one French, one American, are working together on the same feature film project, a Hollywood romantic comedy shot in Paris. They meet for a short time in an office and as they talk about cinema, their opposite visions, conceptions and approaches of their job clash with no delay. Romance, action and suspense are not to be expected from this half (non-)fictional, all-dialog, very short book - to be put somewhere between the novel, the screenplay and the stage play - that tackles most of the issues and restraints linked to film production, notably the non-stop sharp rise in...
Two film producers, one French, one American, are working together on the same feature film project, a Hollywood romantic comedy shot in Paris. They m...
Chaque chose peut avoir son contraire. Le jeune Tom Motmotty, douze ans, va l'apprendre a ses depens quand il se retrouve a l'interieur d'un parc tres particulier, qui serait l'exact oppose de Disneyland. Avec pour themes principaux, la guerre, la destruction, la haine, le mensonge, la crasse et le desespoir, entre autres. Lui, son pere Louis et sa soeur ainee Roxanne n'en sortiront pas forcement dans les meilleures dispositions. Mais a defaut d'etre totalement divertis, ils auront beaucoup appris... Jack Felson, l'auteur de -Charlie's Trips-, signe ici un requisitoire contre toutes les...
Chaque chose peut avoir son contraire. Le jeune Tom Motmotty, douze ans, va l'apprendre a ses depens quand il se retrouve a l'interieur d'un parc tres...