In Afghanistan you own only the ground under your feet During the First Afghan War, Sale's Brigade left Kabul ahead of the disastrous retreat under Elphinstone that followed the abortive attempt to place and retain Shah Shuja on the throne of Afghanistan. Harried every step of it's way south towards British India, this little force of British and Native Infantry supported by cavalry and artillery eventually reached the comparative safety of Jellalabad where it withstood a severe and protracted siege by hostile Afghan forces. The situation was desperate with dwindling supplies of food...
In Afghanistan you own only the ground under your feet During the First Afghan War, Sale's Brigade left Kabul ahead of the disastrous retreat unde...
In Afghanistan you own only the ground under your feet During the First Afghan War, Sale's Brigade left Kabul ahead of the disastrous retreat under Elphinstone that followed the abortive attempt to place and retain Shah Shuja on the throne of Afghanistan. Harried every step of it's way south towards British India, this little force of British and Native Infantry supported by cavalry and artillery eventually reached the comparative safety of Jellalabad where it withstood a severe and protracted siege by hostile Afghan forces. The situation was desperate with dwindling supplies of food...
In Afghanistan you own only the ground under your feet During the First Afghan War, Sale's Brigade left Kabul ahead of the disastrous retreat unde...