A group of scholars converging on a common and socially relevant economic theme of research, that of households' welfare and poverty, met several times in the last two years to discuss the research progress and the opportunity to bring to gether for publication the research so far accomplished. They shared a research project supported by a grant from the former Italian Ministero dell'Universita e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica (MURST) now Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Universita e della Ricerca (MIUR): The Equiva lence Scales in the Measurement of Households' Welfare: Statistical,...
A group of scholars converging on a common and socially relevant economic theme of research, that of households' welfare and poverty, met several time...
Jose Mondejar-Jimenez, Guido Ferrari, Manuel Vargas-Vargas
Addresses the interaction between tourism and the environment through several disciplines, a multidisciplinary perspective, and different theoretical and methodological approaches. This book presents a range of research and promotes debate and analysis on this research.
Addresses the interaction between tourism and the environment through several disciplines, a multidisciplinary perspective, and different theoretical ...