In 1936 Piero Calamandrei, an Italian lawyer and law professor, published Elogio dei Giudici Scritto da un Avvocato, a wry collection of maxims, anecdotes and observations on the nature of the legal process. Translated in 1946 as Eulogy of Judges, Written by a Lawyer, it gradually acquired a reputation among sophisticated legal circles as the best lawyer's book ever written. Written by a self-described member of the "Piero Calamandrei Freemasonry Society," Eulogy of Lawyers revives the spirit of its great predecessor while shifting the focus to the other side of the bench. Preface by Bryan A....
In 1936 Piero Calamandrei, an Italian lawyer and law professor, published Elogio dei Giudici Scritto da un Avvocato, a wry collection of maxims, anecd...
In 1936 Piero Calamandrei, an Italian lawyer and law professor, published Elogio dei Giudici Scritto da un Avvocato, a wry collection of maxims, anecdotes and observations on the nature of the legal process. Translated in 1946 as Eulogy of Judges, Written by a Lawyer, it gradually acquired a reputation among sophisticated legal circles as the best lawyer's book ever written. Written by a self-described member of the "Piero Calamandrei Freemasonry Society," Eulogy of Lawyers revives the spirit of its great predecessor while shifting the focus to the other side of the bench. Preface by Bryan A....
In 1936 Piero Calamandrei, an Italian lawyer and law professor, published Elogio dei Giudici Scritto da un Avvocato, a wry collection of maxims, anecd...
Piero Calamandrei, Jacob A Stein, John Clarke Adams
Reprint of the first American edition. First published in Italian in1936, Elogio dei Giudici Scritto da un Avvocato, this is a collectionof maxims, anecdotes and observations on the nature of law and justiceby a professor of legal procedure at the University of Florence. Somechapters are: On the Faith of Judges, The Prime Requisite of Lawyers;On Etiquette (Or Discretion) in The Court; On the Relationship Betweenthe Lawyer and the Truth, or on the Necessary Partisanship of theLawyer. With a new preface by Jacob A. Stein, prominent WashingtonD.C. trial lawyer and author of Eulogy of Lawyers...
Reprint of the first American edition. First published in Italian in1936, Elogio dei Giudici Scritto da un Avvocato, this is a collectionof maxims, an...