Salon des Femmes E basato su una serie di teleclassi condotte da Douglas insieme a un gruppo di donne. Hanno discusso di uomini, sesso, relazioni, ruoli maschili e femminili e di come creare relazioni fantastiche e armoniose. Unisce gli strumenti e i processi rivoluzionari di Access Consciousness(R) a rivelazioni profonde e a una toccante ispirazione. Douglas dice: "Il mio desiderio E dare alle donne nel mondo un maggiore senso di pace con gli altri e con se stesse e un luogo dove non sentano di dover lottare per tutto ciO che ottengono." Douglas incoraggia le donne a diventare...
Salon des Femmes E basato su una serie di teleclassi condotte da Douglas insieme a un gruppo di donne. Hanno discusso di uomini, sesso, relazioni, ...
Leurs conversations sur toutes sortes de sujets sont tour a tour, droles, emouvantes, scandaleuses, torrides et profondes. Douglas propose des outils et processus innovants d'Access Consciousness, des revelations instructives et des informations incroyables sur la facon de parler a une femme, comment stimuler son corps, comment creer des orgasmes par expansion plutot que par contraction, et comment creer des relations sexuelles et amoureuses a partir d'une conscience de ce qui est plutot qu'a partir d'un point de vue fige sur ce qu'elles sont censees etre. A propos des relations amoureuses,...
Leurs conversations sur toutes sortes de sujets sont tour a tour, droles, emouvantes, scandaleuses, torrides et profondes. Douglas propose des outils ...
Was wAre, wenn Business voller FREUDE und SPA wAre? Was, wenn es so viel mehr wAre, als du jemals an MOglichkeiten wahrgenommen hast? Wenn du dein Business aus reiner Freude daran kreieren wUrdest - was wUrdest du dann wAhlen? Was wUrdest du verAndern? Was wUrdest du wAhlen, wenn du wUsstest, du kannst nicht versagen? Business ist FREUDE, es ist Kreation, es ist generative Kraft. Es kann das Abenteuer des Lebens sein. Die Australierin Simone Milasas ist eine dynamische FUhrungspersOnlichkeit mit Pfiff. Sie ist weltweite Koordinatorin von Access Consciousness(R)...
Was wAre, wenn Business voller FREUDE und SPA wAre? Was, wenn es so viel mehr wAre, als du jemals an MOglichkeiten wahrgenommen hast? Wenn du dein ...
Gary Douglas is on a mission to end the perpetual conflict between men and women. Salon des Femmes is based on a series of teleclasses Douglas held with a group of women.
They discussed men, sex, relationships, men's and women's roles, and creating amazing, harmonious relationships. It blends the ground-breaking Access Consciousness(R) tools and processes, insightful revelations and heart-warming inspiration.
Says Douglas: "My desire is to give women in the world a greater sense of peace with others and peace with self and the place where they wouldn't feel like they...
Gary Douglas is on a mission to end the perpetual conflict between men and women. Salon des Femmes is based on a series of teleclasses Dou...
Mentre Jake Rayne sta viaggiando attraverso l'Idaho sulla sua Thunderbird del '57, un incidente devastante diventa il catalizzatore di un viaggio inaspettato. Da solo, nei boschi, con il corpo ferito e malconcio, Jake chiama aiuto, e l'aiuto che arriva cambia non solo la sua vita, ma tutta la sua realta. Jake si apre alla consapevolezza delle possibilita. Le possibilita che abbiamo sempre saputo che avrebbero dovuto esserci, ma che non si sono mai mostrate. Sei disponibile ad avere un mondo dove la lingua non e una barriera e le persone comunicano telepaticamente, dove l'abilita di guarire e...
Mentre Jake Rayne sta viaggiando attraverso l'Idaho sulla sua Thunderbird del '57, un incidente devastante diventa il catalizzatore di un viaggio inas...
In The Gentlemen's Club, Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness(R), and a diverse group of men talk candidly about women, relationships, sex, sexual energy, masturbation, and being a man in this reality. Their wide-ranging conversations are in turn, funny, moving, outrageous, raunchy, and profound. Douglas offers ground-breaking Access Consciousness tools and processes, insightful revelations, and incredible information about how talk to a woman, how to stimulate her body, how to create orgasms by expansion rather than contraction, and how to create sex and relationship from an...
In The Gentlemen's Club, Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness(R), and a diverse group of men talk candidly about women, relationships, se...
When you find yourself in a situation that you dont seem to be able to change, you may be stuck in a distractor implant. A distractor implant is designed to be triggered by the events of your life and to create distractions that keep you from being all that you can truly be and having the life you would truly like to have. Theyre the reason we believe we have no choice in anything. This book provides information and effective tools that will enable you recognize the distractor implants and become free of them.
When you find yourself in a situation that you dont seem to be able to change, you may be stuck in a distractor implant. A distractor implant is desig...
Les Dix ClEs vers La libertE Totale sont une approche et une maniEre d'apprEhender la vie qui vous aidera A dEvelopper et A Etendre votre capacitE de conscientisation et A obtenir une meilleure conscience de vous-mEme, de votre vie, de cette rEalitE et de bien au-delA. Avec une plus grande conscience, vous pouvez commencer A crEer la vie que vous avez toujours sue possible mais que vous n'Etes pas arrivE A rEaliser jusqu'A prEsent. Si vous mettez effectivement en pratique ces principes et les incarnez, vous serez libre dans tous les domaines de votre vie. Beaucoup de gens ont utilisE ces...
Les Dix ClEs vers La libertE Totale sont une approche et une maniEre d'apprEhender la vie qui vous aidera A dEvelopper et A Etendre votre capacitE ...
These are the Ten Keys to Total Freedom. They are a way of living that will help you expand your capacity for consciousness so that you can have greater awareness about yourself, your life, this reality and beyond. With greater awareness you can begin creating the life you've always known was possible but haven't yet achieved. If you will actually do and be these things, you will get free in every aspect of your life. People have used these Ten Keys to get over depression, lack of money, relationship issues, body problems and many other situations that have seemed insurmountable. Gary Douglas...
These are the Ten Keys to Total Freedom. They are a way of living that will help you expand your capacity for consciousness so that you can have great...