What Do You Call Cheese that Isn t Yours? One-liners. The jokes are known for little more than eliciting a groan or two from you. But since Jeffery Dean came up with this handy booklet for teens, one-liners have become a handy tool. These quotes, questions, and statements will cut to the chase and spark the, Hmmm I never thought of that before section of your gray matter. Some are funny, some are convicting. Each is thought-provoking. Bring a little simplicity back to your complicated life. Don t expect the world s problems to be solved or all of your personal troubles to immediately go...
What Do You Call Cheese that Isn t Yours? One-liners. The jokes are known for little more than eliciting a groan or two from you. But since Jeffer...
The present book is the product of conferences held in Bielefeld at the Center for interdisciplinary Sturlies (ZiF) in connection with a year-long ZiF Research Group with the theme "Prerational intelligence." The premise ex plored by the research group is that traditional notions of intelligent behav ior, which form the basis for much work in artificial intelligence and cog nitive science, presuppose many basic capabilities which are not trivial, as more recent work in robotics and neuroscience has shown, and that these capabilities may be best understood as ernerging from interaction and...
The present book is the product of conferences held in Bielefeld at the Center for interdisciplinary Sturlies (ZiF) in connection with a year-long ZiF...