The Role of the Computer in Statistics David Cox Nuffield College, Oxford OXIINF, U.K. A classification of statistical problems via their computational demands hinges on four components (I) the amount and complexity of the data, (il) the specificity of the objectives of the analysis, (iii) the broad aspects of the approach to analysis, (ill) the conceptual, mathematical and numerical analytic complexity of the methods. Computational requi rements may be limiting in (I) and (ill), either through the need for special programming effort, or because of the difficulties of initial data management...
The Role of the Computer in Statistics David Cox Nuffield College, Oxford OXIINF, U.K. A classification of statistical problems via their computationa...
The Oxford Dictionary of Statistical Terms is the much-awaited sixth edition of the acclaimed standard reference work in statistics, published on behalf of the International Statistical Institute. The first edition, known as the Dictionary of Statistical Terms, was edited in 1957 by the late Sir Maurice Kendall and the late Dr. W.R. Buckland. As one of the first dictionaries of statistics it set high standards for the subject and became a well-respected reference. This new edition has been carefully updated and extended to include the most recent terminology and techniques in statistics....
The Oxford Dictionary of Statistical Terms is the much-awaited sixth edition of the acclaimed standard reference work in statistics, published on beha...