Karl Koenig has been photographing Holocaust concentration camps for more than ten years. These photographs of the architecture and landscape of suffering, he believes, "may have some impact on people who are on the path to indifference." Throughout the series, Koenig explores narrative and visual dissonances in order to highlight the inexplicability of the Holocaust itself. Inventor of the polychromatic gumoil process, a labor-intensive and highly manipulated method, Koenig creates monotypes, each existing as an unique object.
Karl Koenig has been photographing Holocaust concentration camps for more than ten years. These photographs of the architecture and landscape of suffe...
Based on extensive clinical observations and using theories of ego psychology and object relations theory, the author proposes the concept of a phobic character structure. There are many kinds of phobias, but all phobic patients share a specific disturbance in ego development regarding what the author calls the internal directing object, which directs behavior in accordance to social norms, and evolves in interaction with mother. Phobic patients look for external directing objects as a substitute. This concerns interactions with marriage partners, colleagues at work and with a therapist. The...
Based on extensive clinical observations and using theories of ego psychology and object relations theory, the author proposes the concept of a phobic...
There is renewed interest among art photographers in a number of historic printing techniques because of the remarkable effects they produce. The reader will discover how to create beautifully tinted mono- and polychromatic gum and oil images using the author's version of this 19th century technique. Step-by-step illustrated instructions with directions for further experimentation provide a perfect source for learning this new, yet old, printing technique.Gumoil printing involves contact-printing a positive transparency onto gum-coated paper. Oil paint is then applied and rubbed into...
There is renewed interest among art photographers in a number of historic printing techniques because of the remarkable effects they produce. The rea...