In Nora Zelevansky's hilarious debut, Semi-Charmed Life, an Upper West Side naif, Beatrice Bernstein, gets swept up in the seemingly magical life of famous-for-nothing twenty-something, Veruca Pfeffernoose, while ghost writing her blog. Veruca's glitteringly opulent world soon seduces Beatrice away from her own insular, arty family with a promise of fancy parties, travel outside Manhattan (for once) and one desperately cute guy. But when her new glitzy lifestyle starts to take on dark undertones, Beatrice has to decide who she is--once and for all. With her own magical touch, Zelevansky...
In Nora Zelevansky's hilarious debut, Semi-Charmed Life, an Upper West Side naif, Beatrice Bernstein, gets swept up in the seemingly magical life o...