This second edition to Hidden Dangers to Kid's Learning: Parent Guide to Cope with Educational Roadblocks gives more insight into ways parents can understand and help their academically struggling child. Parents and their children can be empowered to recognize the perils and the pitfalls of our current educational crisis and take responsibility and control of their education before it is too late. We have new reasons to believe in our children and new possibilities to expect and help our children to be able to cope in our global community.
This second edition to Hidden Dangers to Kid's Learning: Parent Guide to Cope with Educational Roadblocks gives more insight into ways parents can und...
The Hidden Dangers in our schools have grown and intensified over the last few years; so much so that I was compelled to write a second edition to Hidden Dangers: Subtle Signs of Failing Schools. Our schools are complex places; each with its own unique climate, administration, faculty, students, parents and community members. Clearly, schools do not work in a vacuum; each is affected by the much larger society, government and economy. In this new edition we will be introduced to the interplay of these facets and how they can help and in some cases hinder our schools, our teachers, and our...
The Hidden Dangers in our schools have grown and intensified over the last few years; so much so that I was compelled to write a second edition to Hid...