This volume brings together sixteen essays on British, Irish and American poets from the late nineteenth century to the present day. It offers a series of entertaining and compelling readings of the lives and works of Gerard Manley Hopkins, W.B. Yeats, Edward Thomas, T.S. Eliot, Hart Crane, Elizabeth Bishop, James Schuyler, Allen Ginsberg, John Ashbery, Ted Hughes and Paul Muldoon among others. Arranged chronologically, the essays present a wide-ranging and sophisticated narrative that takes the reader from the first stirrings of modernism through to the dynamic experiments of the present...
This volume brings together sixteen essays on British, Irish and American poets from the late nineteenth century to the present day. It offers a serie...
This book is an introductory study of the Old Testament and it is based on the lesson taught for many years by the authors in two different Universities in Ghana. It is an interactive and didactic work that provides an innovative approach to the study of the Hebrew Bible. Through reading selected passages from the Bible and doing recommended exercises as a means of reinforcing what has been learnt, the reader will achieve a good knowledge of the Old Testament and will acquire the capability of reading and interpreting further texts. Each chapter begins with a presentation of a map of the...
This book is an introductory study of the Old Testament and it is based on the lesson taught for many years by the authors in two different Universiti...
Questions of how to access and analyze the use of English as a global language are central to the study of the continuing spread of English as a vehicle of cross-cultural communication. The present book explores the relationship between the functions and forms of English as a Lingua Franca, and introduces the concept of Lingua Franca English to deal with the systematic differences between national native varieties of English and the non-native varieties which have developed relatively recently. The investigation of the sociolinguistic and linguistic processes involved in the development of...
Questions of how to access and analyze the use of English as a global language are central to the study of the continuing spread of English as a vehic...
Inspired by a postgraduate French studies conference (University of Nottingham, 10 September 2008), this volume explores linguistic form and content in relation to a variety of contexts, considering language alongside music, images, theatre, human experience of the world, and another language. Each essay asks what it is to understand language in a given context, and how, in spite of divergent expressive possibilities, a linguistic situation interacts with other contexts, renegotiating boundaries and redefining understanding. The book lies at the intersection of linguistics and hermeneutics,...
Inspired by a postgraduate French studies conference (University of Nottingham, 10 September 2008), this volume explores linguistic form and content i...
Given the consolidated position of English as the international language for communication in business and management, this book depicts a wide scenario in which to analyse and compare interactions between eastern/western European users of English, as well as Asian/European/North American speakers. From each chapter, different sociolinguistic realities emerge. They affect English, as used largely by non-native speakers, but also the relationship between local or national cultures and the global professional discourse community. In this context not only the specialized lexis is analysed,...
Given the consolidated position of English as the international language for communication in business and management, this book depicts a wide scenar...
Die bemerkenswerte Zahl von Bohuslav Martinus Werken, aber auch ihre Gattungsbreite und stilistische Vielfalt lassen eine einfache Einordnung des OEuvres auf den ersten Blick unmoglich erscheinen. Bei genauerer Betrachtung kristallisieren sich jedoch asthetische Konstanten heraus, die zwar nicht auf einen einheitlichen Stil, jedoch auf eine wahrend Jahrzehnten nahezu unveranderte Musikauffassung verweisen. Auf der Grundlage seines Ideals erprobte Martinu zeitlebens unterschiedlichste Formen, Gattungen und Stile. Das Ziel dieses Bandes ist es, diese kompositionstechnische Flexibilitat auf...
Die bemerkenswerte Zahl von Bohuslav Martinus Werken, aber auch ihre Gattungsbreite und stilistische Vielfalt lassen eine einfache Einordnung des OEuv...
Theatre in Britain today is composed of many strands ranging from the postmodern, in-yer-face, musical and dance theatre forms or performance art and media work to the contemporary productions of classical playwrights. In the aftermath of Empire or, as it is often termed, the -post-colonial- world, British theatre in all these forms has also developed through the rich and vibrant contribution of those who, from necessity or choice, have come to Britain as migrants, and of their children of the second and third generations. This book is primarily concerned with giving a voice to some of...
Theatre in Britain today is composed of many strands ranging from the postmodern, in-yer-face, musical and dance theatre forms or performance art and ...
La notion de reseaux economiques n a guere encore ete mise en relation avec celle de gouvernance par les historiens. Ce volume s y essaie a travers deux series de questions. D une part, quels sont les acteurs economiques qui, en dehors des instances publiques, combattent ou portent le projet europeen et quels sont leurs objectifs? D autre part, comment, a travers des ensembles de relations complexes, notamment de maillages des espaces sociaux, ces acteurs influencent-ils une decision, une attitude ou une orientation concernant la gestion de la Cite europeenne? Vingt-huit contributions...
La notion de reseaux economiques n a guere encore ete mise en relation avec celle de gouvernance par les historiens. Ce volume s y essaie a travers de...
William Morris was one of the outstanding writers, artists and political activists of the nineteenth century. This book examines the significance of his legacy and his continuing influence in the twenty-first century. Currently many of Morris s primary concerns are once again at the forefront of social, political and academic debate, and his work continues to attract interest across a range of academic disciplines. Now is a particularly apt time for the publication of this collection of new essays, which opens up original areas of debate and encourages innovative ways of approaching and...
William Morris was one of the outstanding writers, artists and political activists of the nineteenth century. This book examines the significance of h...
Over the past decade, a new transnational movement has emerged within American Studies. It centers on the efforts of US-based Americanists to conduct transnational and comparative research while recognizing that scholars working outside the geographical boundaries of the US have just as much to contribute to American Studies as those within its borders. Such an approach not only fills in the blanks of historical, literary and cultural studies to include diasporic participants, but also enriches our understanding of major American events, figures, and influences beyond the limited geographic...
Over the past decade, a new transnational movement has emerged within American Studies. It centers on the efforts of US-based Americanists to conduct ...