In this uniquely skewed look at the purpose and function of 'a book', Keri Smith offers an illustrated guide that asks readers to explore the different ways in which her 'non-book' can be used.
In this uniquely skewed look at the purpose and function of 'a book', Keri Smith offers an illustrated guide that asks readers to explore the differen...
Asks readers to explore what it feels like to throw themselves off balance - on purpose. This book also asks you to do the opposite of what you have been taught.
Asks readers to explore what it feels like to throw themselves off balance - on purpose. This book also asks you to do the opposite of what you have b...
Welcome to the highly inspirational world of Keri Smith. Within the pages of 'The Pocket Scavenger', readers will be instructed to collect a spectrum of quirky items: something that is miniature, a stain that is green, something from the year you were born, a used envelope, and more. Then, once their quarry is in hand, they'll apply an alteration dictated solely by chance: create a funny character, conceal it, add polkadots, remove a section, add stripes, scribble on top, duplicate it, and so on - it's funny, moving, silly and serious. The way you look at things will never be the same again
Welcome to the highly inspirational world of Keri Smith. Within the pages of 'The Pocket Scavenger', readers will be instructed to collect a spectrum ...
What kind of world would you like to inhabit?' Here, Keri Smith begins with a list. Writing down everything the reader is drawn to, from things they love or collect to things that fascinate and excite, including objects, colours, sounds, textures, memories, places and people, the list serves as the building block for the creation of a new world
What kind of world would you like to inhabit?' Here, Keri Smith begins with a list. Writing down everything the reader is drawn to, from things they l...
Czy mam u niego szanse? Co miał na myśli mówiąc „zostańmy przyjaciółmi”? Dlaczego on zachowuje się w ten sposób? Sarah O’Leary Burningham i Keri Smith, autorka „Zniszcz ten Dziennik” opracowały poradnik dla nastolatek, który pozwala zrozumieć zawiły i odmienny męski świat. Oto instrukcja obsługi chłopaków! Znajdziesz tu porady na temat komunikacji z chłopakami, strategii i technik flirtowania w realu i online oraz sposobów na odróżnienie przyjaźni od miłości. Dowiesz się jak odczytywać sygnały wysyłane przez chłopców, co naprawdę myślą, kiedy...
Czy mam u niego szanse? Co miał na myśli mówiąc „zostańmy przyjaciółmi”? Dlaczego on zachowuje się w ten sposób? Sarah O’Leary Burningh...