Trudno powstrzymać się od myśli, że żyjemy w wielkim cyrku. Kiedy siedzimy na kanapie po dniu ciężkiej pracy oraz wielu godzinach dojazdu do pracy i powrotu z pracy, surrealistyczne opery mydlane na ekranie telewizora przynoszą nam przegląd globalnej gry: tyle a tyle bomb spadło na Syrię, jeszcze więcej uchodźców na granicach, kłopoty z wielką finansjerą, najnowsze gole, które strzelił Lewandowski, dyskusja o tym. Ach tak – i kto po Wielkiej Brytanii, Węgrzech, Grecji lub Polsce grozi opuszczeniem UE w imię najwyższych ideałów narodowych. Na pewno jest to gra....
Trudno powstrzymać się od myśli, że żyjemy w wielkim cyrku. Kiedy siedzimy na kanapie po dniu ciężkiej pracy oraz wielu godzinach dojazdu do pr...
This book is about systemic change in what we consider as capitalism. Far beyond qualifications such as Industry 4.0, the view presented here is that the very structures of capitalism are currently being displaced, and that the present digital revolution is as deep in its impact as the industrial revolution was when it emerged from the agricultural age. Another mode of production is being built, and we are facing a transformation of labor relations, surplus-value extraction, means of production, the role of money and credit, the concept of national borders, and social relations. Rather than...
This book is about systemic change in what we consider as capitalism. Far beyond qualifications such as Industry 4.0, the view presented here is that ...
This book provides a systematic description of the key challenges faced by Brazil today, and the main lines of action required to bring the country back on track. Brazil is not a poor country; what it presently produces is sufficient to ensure everyone a dignified and comfortable life. Its problems are not economic in the sense of lack of resources, but rather in terms of social and political organization. With President Lula governing the country as of 2023, structural challenges such as deep inequality, the environmental disaster and the financial chaos have become evident. The present book...
This book provides a systematic description of the key challenges faced by Brazil today, and the main lines of action required to bring the country ba...