This is an innovative course for young adults which takes learners from Beginner to Advanced level.
The course follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference and focuses on the systematic development of key competences.
The course is organized into twelve topic-based modules, which allows learners to deal with a variety of topics in depth. In this way, learners are enabled to communicate successfully in English in a wide range of social situations and environments.
This is an innovative course for young adults which takes learners from Beginner to Advanced level.
This is an innovative course for young adults which takes learners from Beginner to Advanced level.
The course follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference and focuses on the systematic development of key competences.
The course is organized into twelve topic-based modules, which allows learners to deal with a variety of topics in depth. In this way, learners are enabled to communicate successfully in English in a wide range of social situations and environments.
This is an innovative course for young adults which takes learners from Beginner to Advanced level.
This is an innovative course for young adults which takes learners from Beginner to Advanced level.
The course follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference and focuses on the systematic development of key competences.
The course is organized into twelve topic-based modules, which allows learners to deal with a variety of topics in depth. In this way, learners are enabled to communicate successfully in English in a wide range of social situations and environments.
This is an innovative course for young adults which takes learners from Beginner to Advanced level.
The English Hub is an exciting course for teenage and young adult learners.It takes them from Beginner to Intermediate level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference.
Course features Motivating and contemporary topics with multicultural and cross-curricular information Lively dialogues presenting real spoken English An integrated approach to the development of the four skills Special emphasis on vocabulary building Grammar presented and practised in context Systematic development of reading and listening skills and subskills A...
The English Hub is an exciting course for teenage and young adult learners.It takes them from Beginner to Intermediate level. It follows the requireme...
The English Hub is an exciting course for teenage and young adult learners.It takes them from Beginner to Intermediate level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference.
Course features Motivating and contemporary topics with multicultural and cross-curricular information Lively dialogues presenting real spoken English An integrated approach to the development of the four skills Special emphasis on vocabulary building Grammar presented and practised in context Systematic development of reading and listening skills and subskills A...
The English Hub is an exciting course for teenage and young adult learners.It takes them from Beginner to Intermediate level. It follows the requireme...
The English Hub is an exciting course for teenage and young adult learners.It takes them from Beginner to Intermediate level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference.
Course features Motivating and contemporary topics with multicultural and cross-curricular information Lively dialogues presenting real spoken English An integrated approach to the development of the four skills Special emphasis on vocabulary building Grammar presented and practised in context Systematic development of reading and listening skills and subskills A...
The English Hub is an exciting course for teenage and young adult learners.It takes them from Beginner to Intermediate level. It follows the requireme...
This is an innovative course for young adults which takes learners from Beginner to Advanced level.
The course follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference and focuses on the systematic development of key competences.
The course is organized into twelve topic-based modules, which allows learners to deal with a variety of topics in depth. In this way, learners are enabled to communicate successfully in English in a wide range of social situations and environments.
This is an innovative course for young adults which takes learners from Beginner to Advanced level.
Książka jest przeznaczona dla uczniów, którzy przygotowują się do egzaminu maturalnego z języka angielskiego na poziomie rozszerzonym, obowiązującego od 2015 roku. Podręcznik umożliwia doskonalenie umiejętności językowych: mówienia, słuchania, czytania oraz pisania. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na wzbogacanie zasobu sownictwa. W ćwiczeniach zastosowano metodę komunikacyjną w nauczaniu języków obcych.
Książka jest przeznaczona dla uczniów, którzy przygotowują się do egzaminu maturalnego z języka angielskiego na poziomie rozszerzonym, obowiąz...
Full Blast! is a six-level course with exciting, contemporary topics and unique features. It takes learners from Beginner to B2 level, while demonstrating how English is used in real-life situations and enabling students to communicate fluently, accurately and confidently.
Full Blast! is a six-level course with exciting, contemporary topics and unique features. It takes learners from Beginner to B2 level, while demonstra...
Full Blast! is a six-level course with exciting, contemporary topics and unique features. It takes learners from Beginner to B2 level, while demonstrating how English is used in real-life situations and enabling students to communicate fluently, accurately and confidently.
Full Blast! is a six-level course with exciting, contemporary topics and unique features. It takes learners from Beginner to B2 level, while demonstra...