Popularly known as Blade Runner, because of its incarnation as a movie, 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?' is Dick's most famous title. Stalking androids in 21st century megalopolis, Deckard begins to question just who is human and what human is.
Popularly known as Blade Runner, because of its incarnation as a movie, 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?' is Dick's most famous title. Stalking a...
America, fifteen years after the end of the Second World War. The winning Axis powers have divided their spoils: the Nazis control New York, while California is ruled by the Japanese. But between these two states - locked in a cold war - lies a neutal buffer zone in which legendary author Hawthorne Abendsen is rumoured to live.
America, fifteen years after the end of the Second World War. The winning Axis powers have divided their spoils: the Nazis control New York, while Cal...
Glen Runciter is dead. Or is he? Someone died in an explosion orchestrated by his business rivals, but as his funeral is scheduled, his mourning employees are receiving bewildering messages from their boss, and the world around them seems to be warping and regressing as if time is running out.
Glen Runciter is dead. Or is he? Someone died in an explosion orchestrated by his business rivals, but as his funeral is scheduled, his mourning emplo...