Further Along the Road Less Traveled takes the lectures of Dr. Peck and presents his profound insights into the issues that confront and challenge all of us today: spirituality, forgiveness, relationships, and growing up. In this aid for living less simplistically, you will learn not to look for the easy answers but to think multidimensionally. You will learn to reach for the "ultimate step," which brings you face to face with your personal spirituality. It will be this that helps you appreciate the complexity that is life. Continue the journey of personal and spiritual growth...
Further Along the Road Less Traveled takes the lectures of Dr. Peck and presents his profound insights into the issues that confront and challe...
Uznávaný americký psychiatr v knize Dále nevyšlapanou cestou navazuje na témata diskutovaná ve své první knize: otázky víry, svobodné vůle, duchovního růstu, sexuálních vztahů a budování smysluplné komunity.
Uznávaný americký psychiatr v knize Dále nevyšlapanou cestou navazuje na témata diskutovaná ve své první knize: otázky víry, svobodné vůl...