Through unparalleled historical detective work, noted scholars Walter Laqueur and Richard Breitman reveal the inspiring tale of Eduard Schulte, the Breslau business leader who risked his life to gather information about such Nazi activities as the revised date of the German attack on Poland and the Nazi plan for mass extermination of European Jews. First published in 1986, Breaking the Silence is reissued with both a new foreword and afterword by the authors.
Through unparalleled historical detective work, noted scholars Walter Laqueur and Richard Breitman reveal the inspiring tale of Eduard Schulte, the Br...
Práce amerického historika, profesora moderních dějin na Americké univerzitě ve Washingtonu a šéfredaktora prestižních Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Richarda Breitmana přináší obsáhlý a zasvěcený portrét říšského vůdce SS, šéfa německé policie a říšského ministra vnitra Heinricha Himmlera. Poprvé na základě dlouholetého studia dobových pramenů zachycuje podrobně Himmlerovu centrální úlohu v nacistickém programu zničení evropských Židů za druhé světové války a díky tomu se stala jedním z mezníků nejnovější historiografie šoa. Jasně...
Práce amerického historika, profesora moderních dějin na Americké univerzitě ve Washingtonu a šéfredaktora prestižních Holocaust and Genocid...
Richard Breitman, Norman J W Goda (American University Washington DC), National Archives
The report is based on findings from newly-declassified decades-old Army and CIA records released under the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act of 1998 (the Act), these records were processed and reviewed by the National Archives-led Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group (IWG), and written by IWG historians Richard Breitman and Norman J.W. Goda. The report highlights materials opened under the Act, in addition to records that were previously opened but had not been mined by historians and researchers, including records from the Office of Strategic...
The report is based on findings from newly-declassified decades-old Army and CIA records released under the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act of 1998 (th...