The established churches and religious communities were deeply involved in the transition processes of the twentieth century. During the National Socialism as well as during the Cold War Christian religious communities were often used as political pawns. In both cases, National Socialism and Communism, the church leadership worked closely with the repressive Systems and tried to win the people over to the dictatorships' ideologies.
The established churches and religious communities were deeply involved in the transition processes of the twentieth century. During the National ...
Papež Pius XI. (1922–1939) a jeho následovník Pius XII. (1939–1958) jsou často podezíráni z toho, že nacistické zločiny a záhubu milionů evropských Židů přecházeli mlčením. Tajemstvím opředený Vatikán teprve nedávno veřejnosti otevřel své archivy, a tím umožnil doplnit mezery v bádání a odhalit dosud skrytá tajemství. Autoři této knihy jsou prvními nekatolickými historiky, kterým bylo povoleno v zaprášených archivech Vatikánu zkoumat vztah katolické církve a nacionálního socialismu hitlerovského Německa. Teprve nyní zjišťujeme, nakolik...
Papež Pius XI. (1922–1939) a jeho následovník Pius XII. (1939–1958) jsou často podezíráni z toho, že nacistické zločiny a záhubu milion...
The history of Jehovah's Witnesses in Europe has always been one of persecution. This third volume documents this history, turning eastward. For the first time, the circumstances of a religious minority under different political systems can be compared across the continent. The studies gathered here provide insight into the methods of repression used by governments and mainstream churches, the survival strategies of Jehovah's Witnesses, and their various experiences under Eastern European dictatorships. The initially cordial relationship with Jehovah's Witnesses that developed after 1990 has...
The history of Jehovah's Witnesses in Europe has always been one of persecution. This third volume documents this history, turning eastward. For the f...