Les cicatrices que laissent souvent les marques peuvent être temporaires ou permanentes. Les WSL restent un sujet d'intérêt car ils constituent une complication très fréquente des traitements orthodontiques, avec des conséquences esthétiques néfastes pour les dents antérieures. La vaste littérature disponible dans ce domaine peut être divisée en trois grandes catégories : le diagnostic, la prévention et le traitement des WSL. Le présent article se concentre sur le diagnostic des TCA et tente d'approfondir nos connaissances afin d'obtenir un avantage clinique significatif dans...
Les cicatrices que laissent souvent les marques peuvent être temporaires ou permanentes. Les WSL restent un sujet d'intérêt car ils constituent une...
Scars #marks often leave# can be either temporary or permanent.WSLs continue to be a topic of interest as they are a very common complication of orthodontic treatment with detrimental aesthetic implications to anterior teeth. The extensive literature available concerning this area can roughly be divided into the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of WSLs. This focuses on the diagnosis of WSLs and attempts to further our knowledge so that significant clinical benefit in treating orthodontic patients might be gained. WSL are one of the common complications of fixed orthodontic treatment. It is...
Scars #marks often leave# can be either temporary or permanent.WSLs continue to be a topic of interest as they are a very common complication of ortho...
Narben #Marken hinterlassen# können entweder temporär oder permanent sein.WSLs sind weiterhin ein Thema von Interesse, da sie eine sehr häufige Komplikation der kieferorthopädischen Behandlung mit nachteiligen ästhetischen Auswirkungen auf die Frontzähne sind. Die umfangreiche Literatur zu diesem Thema lässt sich grob in die Diagnose, Prävention und Behandlung von WSLs einteilen. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Diagnose von WSLs und versucht, unser Wissen zu erweitern, damit ein signifikanter klinischer Nutzen bei der Behandlung kieferorthopädischer Patienten erzielt werden...
Narben #Marken hinterlassen# können entweder temporär oder permanent sein.WSLs sind weiterhin ein Thema von Interesse, da sie eine sehr häufige Kom...
CBCT technology has grown rapidly to allow clinicians to acquire high resolution images of the teeth and craniofacial bones, using relatively low radiation doses. CBCT imaging has several applications in dento-maxillofacial diagnosis including endodontic diagnosis and treatment planning, implant treatment planning, surgical and orthodontic treatment planning, evaluation of the paranasal sinuses, temporomandibular joints, intraosseous pathology, impacted tooth, etc. Because of its higher specificity and sensitivity in relationship to hard tissue pathoses when compared to 2D imaging, this...
CBCT technology has grown rapidly to allow clinicians to acquire high resolution images of the teeth and craniofacial bones, using relatively low radi...
Cone beam computed tomography is a new era in three dimensional world, modified from the computed tomography (CT) concept, involving the single rotation of an X-ray source around the dental subject. The data are analysed and reconstructed using a CT-based algorithm to create a volume of data, which can be viewed in three planes (axial, sagittal and coronal) and multiple alternative planes on manipulation of the data Acquisition of image is rapid and uses technology, which is becoming relatively affordable. A three-dimensional visualization of the region of interest is obtained in sufficient...
Cone beam computed tomography is a new era in three dimensional world, modified from the computed tomography (CT) concept, involving the single rotati...