"The Tears of a Great Man" is a moving story that begins with a school adventure between two young people, whose main mission was focused on their studies. But their story takes an unexpected turn when the young girl becomes pregnant. The young boy's parents, shocked and not believing that their son was capable of fertilizing an egg, reject the pregnant girl, considering her just an opportunist looking for shelter and a meal.Thus, the two young people separate and the unborn child is successively entrusted to different families, in the hope of ensuring adequate care. As an adult, the man...
"The Tears of a Great Man" is a moving story that begins with a school adventure between two young people, whose main mission was focused on their stu...
"The Strange Society" is a captivating book that transports us to a world where superstitions reign supreme and dictate the rules of society. It is a world where selfishness, navel-gazing and fetishism prevail, creating a strange and intriguing atmosphere.In this unique universe, we meet individuals who have accumulated knowledge in different fields, but who find themselves lost in the denial of reality. Their obsession with their own satisfaction blinds them and pushes them to neglect the fundamental values of life in society. They thus cut themselves off from the esteem of others and from...
"The Strange Society" is a captivating book that transports us to a world where superstitions reign supreme and dictate the rules of society. It is a ...
Les enfants apprennent en observant leur environnement et en imitant les comportements qu'ils voient chez les adultes. Or, certains adultes ne sont pa...
"The necessary evil, my precious and the little pleasant death" is a book which subtly addresses the roles of women in contemporary society without ever explicitly naming them. The author tries to show that the presence of women in a man's life can contribute significantly to improving the image of the latter. However, the book also underlines through demonstrations and testimonies that women can be formidable at times, especially when they feel in danger or when they are trying to achieve a specific goal. She can take advantage of her physical assets, particularly her gender, to achieve her...
"The necessary evil, my precious and the little pleasant death" is a book which subtly addresses the roles of women in contemporary society without ev...
Beim Durchblättern der Seiten von "Die Schule des Lebens", dem Vermächtnis eines Vaters an seine Kinder, lädt der Autor seine Leser ein, die Macht der Geschichte als pädagogisches Instrument zu bezeugen. Durch diese fesselnden Geschichten macht er uns verständlich, dass die wichtigsten Lektionen nicht immer diejenigen sind, die offensichtlich sind, sondern vielmehr diejenigen, die geschickt in den Details verborgen sind. Es erklärt auf praktische Weise, wie Eigenschaften wie Integrität, Nüchternheit, Ehrlichkeit und Disziplin für jeden von entscheidender Bedeutung sein können, der...
Beim Durchblättern der Seiten von "Die Schule des Lebens", dem Vermächtnis eines Vaters an seine Kinder, lädt der Autor seine Leser ein, die Macht ...