L'hypominéralisation des molaires et des incisives (MIH) est un défaut de développement unique de l'émail, qui affecte des régions spécifiques de la dentition. Son omniprésence dans toutes les régions géographiques, accompagnée de symptômes cliniques négatifs importants, en fait un problème de santé publique nécessitant une détection et un traitement précoces. Ce type d'hypominéralisation de l'émail entraîne des conséquences douloureuses, une mauvaise esthétique et un impact négatif sur la qualité de vie. Il est facilement discernable chez les enfants et les jeunes...
L'hypominéralisation des molaires et des incisives (MIH) est un défaut de développement unique de l'émail, qui affecte des régions spécifiques d...
Oral health is an essential aspect of the overall health and well-being of infants, children, and adolescents. The foundation for good oral health begins in childhood, and a lack of proper oral hygiene can lead to a variety of health issues, both in the short and long-term, impacting the child's overall health and quality of life. Oral hygiene aids play a crucial role in maintaining good oral health. By using the right oral hygiene aids, individuals can keep their teeth and gums healthy and prevent the need for costly and painful dental treatments in the future. This book is an attempt to...
Oral health is an essential aspect of the overall health and well-being of infants, children, and adolescents. The foundation for good oral health beg...
Nomenclature systems in dentistry refer to a standardized set of terms and codes that are used to describe dental procedures, diagnoses, and materials. The need for standardized nomenclature systems in dentistry arises from the complexity of dental procedures, diagnoses, and materials. With the growing demand for quality dental care, it is essential for dental professionals to communicate effectively with each other as well as the patients. Standardized nomenclature systems enable dental professionals to provide accurate and consistent documentation of dental procedures, diagnoses, and...
Nomenclature systems in dentistry refer to a standardized set of terms and codes that are used to describe dental procedures, diagnoses, and materials...
Die Molaren-Inzisiven-Hypomineralisation (MIH) ist ein einzigartiger Entwicklungsdefekt des Zahnschmelzes, der bestimmte Regionen des Gebisses betrifft. Ihr ubiquitäres Auftreten in allen geografischen Regionen mit erheblichen nachteiligen klinischen Symptomen macht sie zu einem Problem der öffentlichen Gesundheit, das eine frühzeitige Erkennung und Behandlung erfordert. Diese Art der Schmelzhypomineralisation hat schmerzhafte Folgen, eine schlechte Ästhetik und eine negative Auswirkung auf die Lebensqualität. Sie ist leicht bei Kindern und Jugendlichen zu erkennen, die sich mit einer...
Die Molaren-Inzisiven-Hypomineralisation (MIH) ist ein einzigartiger Entwicklungsdefekt des Zahnschmelzes, der bestimmte Regionen des Gebisses betriff...
Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) has most recently attracted increased attention from dentists all over the world due to its ability to stop the progression of carious lesions. SDF combines the antimicrobial effects of silver and the remineralizing effects of fluoride. In 2016, the FDA awarded SDF with the 'Breakthrough Therapy' to treat Dental Caries. This book is an effort to compile the latest available information about Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) along with the highlights of ongoing research.
Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) has most recently attracted increased attention from dentists all over the world due to its ability to stop the progress...
Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a group of neurological conditions which affects the body's movement and muscle coordination permanently after they first manifest in infancy or early childhood. Dental problems in children with Cerebral Palsy are more likely to occur, which can further deteriorate their quality of life and wellbeing. As oral health is increasingly recognized as a foundation for general wellbeing, Pediatric Dentists play a major role in the management of the children with Cerebral Palsy. This book is an attempt to throw light on Cerebral Palsy from the perspective of a Pediatric Dentist...
Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a group of neurological conditions which affects the body's movement and muscle coordination permanently after they first manif...