Vultures play a very important role in the ecosystem as scavengers and are also a symbol of Indian culture. Amongst all the raptors, vultures are the most successful in exploiting the vast food resources created by humans and animals in the form of dead carcasses in the environment. Vultures have declined from many parts of their former ranges in India due to food scarcity and as a result of human intervention in altering their habitat. Among the nine species of vultures found in the India subcontinent, four species - the White-rumped vulture, Long-billed vulture Red-headed, and Egyptians are...
Vultures play a very important role in the ecosystem as scavengers and are also a symbol of Indian culture. Amongst all the raptors, vultures are the ...
The study analyzed the population status and conservation threats of Indian peafowl in Tirupur district, Tamil Nadu, from August to October 2023. The population was assessed using road transects and roosting tree surveys. The study found that 9,976 Indian peafowl were present in 5,192 km2 of Tirupur district, with 7 roosting tree species identified. The peafowl population decreased due to habitat alteration and food shortage. The most affected crops were Onion, Chili, Groundnut, Beans, Ragi, Corn, and Tomato. 93 Indian peafowl individuals died from 2016 to 2022 due to poisoning in Tirupur...
The study analyzed the population status and conservation threats of Indian peafowl in Tirupur district, Tamil Nadu, from August to October 2023. The ...
Samson, Arockianathan, Leona Princy, Jabamalainathan, JESUDASS, BEULAH BAH
The present study showed that highways have adverse impact on wildlife including endangered species. The study recommends that some solution to avoid roadkills in MTR. To construct dwarf barriers (30cm height) on either side of the roads to avoid the movement of wild animals in accident prone areas. To construct pipe culverts and bridges in the appropriate areas such as stream crossings areas on the road sides. To construct road humps at every 300 or 400 meters interval in the most wild animals affected roads. Movement of vehicles should be stopped during night hours in most wild animals'...
The present study showed that highways have adverse impact on wildlife including endangered species. The study recommends that some solution to avoid ...
L'étude a analysé l'état de la population et les menaces de conservation du piaf indien dans le district de Tirupur, Tamil Nadu, d'août à octobre 2023. La population a été évaluée à l'aide de transects routiers et d'enquêtes sur les arbres perchés. L'étude a révélé que 9 976 piafs indiens étaient présents sur 5 192 km2 dans le district de Tirupur, avec 7 espèces d'arbres perchés identifiées. La population de piafs a diminué en raison de l'altération de l'habitat et de la pénurie de nourriture. Les cultures les plus touchées sont l'oignon, le chili, l'arachide, les...
L'étude a analysé l'état de la population et les menaces de conservation du piaf indien dans le district de Tirupur, Tamil Nadu, d'août à octobre...
In der Studie wurden der Populationsstatus und die Gefährdung des indischen Pfaus im Bezirk Tirupur, Tamil Nadu, von August bis Oktober 2023 untersucht. Die Population wurde anhand von Straßentransekten und Erhebungen in Schlafbäumen ermittelt. Die Studie ergab, dass 9.976 indische Pfaue auf einer Fläche von 5.192 km2 im Distrikt Tirupur vorkamen, wobei 7 Arten von Schlafbäumen identifiziert wurden. Die Pfauenpopulation ging aufgrund der Veränderung des Lebensraums und des Nahrungsmangels zurück. Die am meisten betroffenen Kulturen waren Zwiebel, Chili, Erdnuss, Bohnen, Ragi, Mais und...
In der Studie wurden der Populationsstatus und die Gefährdung des indischen Pfaus im Bezirk Tirupur, Tamil Nadu, von August bis Oktober 2023 untersuc...