Lirios, Cruz, Méndez Martínez, Agustín, Carreón Guillén, Javier
Migrant labour identity theory argues that there are four processes through which dependency relationships are established between eight dimensions addressed by the state of knowledge and four psychosocial theories of conflict and change. From the socio-historical perspective, the psychology of migration studies the dimensions of belonging, categorisation, representation and identity circumscribed to migrant reference groups.
Migrant labour identity theory argues that there are four processes through which dependency relationships are established between eight dimensions ad...
Juárez Nájera, Margarita, Lirios, Cruz, Bustos Aguayo, José Marcos
D'emblée, il est convenu que dans le cadre du développement durable, le travail social a établi des domaines et des champs d'intervention autour desquels les services sociaux ont été développés, principalement ceux liés à la gestion de l'eau en ce qui concerne la qualité de vie et le bien-être subjectif, les déterminants de l'évaluation des politiques publiques, les programmes environnementaux et les stratégies d'attention aux communautés d'immigrés. Dans ce schéma, le travail social environnemental agit comme un médiateur entre les politiques d'approvisionnement et les...
D'emblée, il est convenu que dans le cadre du développement durable, le travail social a établi des domaines et des champs d'intervention autour de...
Juárez Nájera, Margarita, Lirios, Cruz, Bustos Aguayo, José Marcos
At the outset, it is agreed that within the framework of Sustainable Development, Social Work has established areas and fields of intervention around which social services have been developed, mainly those related to water care with respect to quality of life and subjective wellbeing, determinants of the evaluation of public policies, environmental programmes and strategies of attention to migrant communities. In this scheme, Environmental Social Work acts as a mediator of supply policies and civil demands, considering the historical limitations.
At the outset, it is agreed that within the framework of Sustainable Development, Social Work has established areas and fields of intervention around ...