La technologie laser s'est développée rapidement au cours de la dernière décennie. De nouveaux lasers dotés d'un large éventail de caractéristiques sont désormais disponibles et sont utilisés dans diverses branches de la dentisterie. L'application de ces nouvelles technologies en endodontie a toujours été un défi. Aujourd'hui, on dispose de plus d'expérience et de connaissances dans l'application des lasers en dentisterie opératoire et en endodontie.L'intérêt pour l'utilisation endodontique des systèmes laser dentaires est en augmentation. Plusieurs études ont prouvé les...
La technologie laser s'est développée rapidement au cours de la dernière décennie. De nouveaux lasers dotés d'un large éventail de caractéristi...
Die Lasertechnologie hat sich in den letzten zehn Jahren rasant entwickelt. Inzwischen gibt es neue Laser mit einer Vielzahl von Eigenschaften, die in verschiedenen Bereichen der Zahnmedizin eingesetzt werden. Die Anwendung dieser neuen Technologien in der Endodontie war schon immer eine Herausforderung. Heute liegen mehr Erfahrungen und Kenntnisse über die Anwendung von Lasern in der operativen Zahnheilkunde und Endodontie vor.Das Interesse am endodontischen Einsatz von Dentallasersystemen nimmt zu. Es gibt mehrere Studien, die die Vorteile des Einsatzes eines Dentallasers bei der...
Die Lasertechnologie hat sich in den letzten zehn Jahren rasant entwickelt. Inzwischen gibt es neue Laser mit einer Vielzahl von Eigenschaften, die in...
Laser technology has been developed rapidly in the last decade. New lasers with a wide range of characteristics are available now which are being used in various branches of dentistry. The application of these new technologies in endodontics has always been challenging. Today more experience and knowledge in applying lasers in operative dentistry and endodontics is available.The interest in endodontic use of dental laser systems is increasing. There are several studies performed which prove the benefits of using a dental laser for cavity preparation over conventional rotary abrasives. Dental...
Laser technology has been developed rapidly in the last decade. New lasers with a wide range of characteristics are available now which are being used...
The smile is an important reflection of one's self along with communicating a variety of emotions to those around us and it is unique to each individual person. An organized and systematic approach is required to evaluate, diagnose and resolve esthetic problems predictably. In fact, there are many factors that must be carefully considered and evaluated in creating a smile that is esthetically pleasing to the doctor and the patient. And even with digital technology having a widespread effect on so many things, including restorative dentistry, as well as allowing for digital simulations of a...
The smile is an important reflection of one's self along with communicating a variety of emotions to those around us and it is unique to each individu...
Root fractures are defined as a fracture of a tooth that involves the dentin,cementum, and pulp. Root fractures may occur in any direction or orientation, and they are generally classified as vertical fractures (usually also involving the crown) or transverse (often called horizontal) root fractures.The patients are very conscious about their appearance whereas the specialist has to consider long-term biological function of that tooth in addition to aesthetic.Complicated and uncomplicated crown-root fractures posed the greatest difficulties for the dentists to establish adequate treatment...
Root fractures are defined as a fracture of a tooth that involves the dentin,cementum, and pulp. Root fractures may occur in any direction or orientat...
Endodontic microsurgery, is a specialized dental procedure that uses a microscope for precise treatment of persistent or recurrent root canal infections. It involves making a small incision near the tooth, removing infected or damaged tissue, and repairing or resecting the root tip as needed. The use of a microscope provides enhanced visualization and accuracy, resulting in faster healing times and improved outcomes. Endodontic microsurgery is recommended when conventional root canal treatment has failed or when other treatment options are not feasible. It offers numerous benefits and is a...
Endodontic microsurgery, is a specialized dental procedure that uses a microscope for precise treatment of persistent or recurrent root canal infectio...