Classroom feedback techniques (CFTs) are useful for checking what students have retained at the end of a learning session. They are mutually beneficial to the teacher and the learner. There are several tools used in CRT assessment. Among these tools, the "One minute Paper" (TPP) is an innovative, quick and fun method of providing feedback on the teaching. TPP is a means of group communication that promotes active learning and allows teachers to interact with learners. Learners' motivation is thus increased by the feeling of having a role and control over the learning process promoted by PLT.
Classroom feedback techniques (CFTs) are useful for checking what students have retained at the end of a learning session. They are mutually beneficia...
Bei älteren Menschen ist die klinische Präsentation allergischer Erkrankungen aufgrund der Leihsymptomatik und der Komorbiditäten oft irreführend. Außerdem sind die Hauttests in diesem Alter meist negativ, was auf eine altersbedingte, physiologische Hautanergie zurückzuführen ist. Die Diagnose allergischer Erkrankungen bei älteren Menschen ist aufgrund ihrer Auswirkungen auf die Lebensqualität und der Morbidität, die sie verursachen können, wichtig. Allergische Erkrankungen haben einen Einfluss auf die Behandlung älterer Menschen. Die Präsentation einer allergischen Erkrankung...
Bei älteren Menschen ist die klinische Präsentation allergischer Erkrankungen aufgrund der Leihsymptomatik und der Komorbiditäten oft irreführend....
In the elderly, the clinical presentation of allergic diseases is often misleading due to the borrowed symptomatology and comorbidities. Moreover, at this age, skin tests are most often negative in relation to a physiological skin anergy linked to age. The diagnosis of allergic diseases in the elderly is important because of their impact on the quality of life and the morbidity they can cause. Allergic diseases have an impact on the management of the elderly. The presentation of allergic disease is not always typical, which is why it is important to look for it, even if the symptoms are not...
In the elderly, the clinical presentation of allergic diseases is often misleading due to the borrowed symptomatology and comorbidities. Moreover, at ...
Sjögren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease characterized by lymphocytic infiltration of the glands, mainly salivary and lacrimal. The diagnosis is based on a combination of clinical, biological and histological findings. Recently, new means have been developed to facilitate the diagnosis of this syndrome. Among these means, ultrasound of the salivary glands and new biomarkers have been of great help.
Sjögren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease characterized by lymphocytic infiltration of the glands, mainly salivary and lacrimal. The diagnosis is b...
Antit, Saoussen, Bellakhal, Syrine, Ben Kaab, Badreddine
Secondary hypertension has a low prevalence of 10%, however it is important to look for it given its potentially reversible nature after treatment of the cause, particularly for endocrine arterial hypertension. Indeed, it can be treated or at least improved following the identification and management of the causative factor. The aim of the work was to study the etiological profile of endocrine arterial hypertension and to determine its clinical, therapeutic and evolutionary characteristics.
Secondary hypertension has a low prevalence of 10%, however it is important to look for it given its potentially reversible nature after treatment of ...