Dans la médecine contemporaine, les pratiques médicales supérieures et les services médicaux de meilleure qualité sont de plus en plus liés aux pratiques médicales académiques. Plus le médecin est universitaire, plus il est susceptible d'être décrit comme adhérant aux pratiques médicales scientifiques. Par conséquent, on s'intéresse de plus en plus aux pratiques de leadership médical et de leadership médical académique, ainsi qu'au classement des universitaires. Plus de 500 profils academia.edu ont été examinés les 7, 8, 9, et 10 juin 2022 dans le but de déterminer les...
Dans la médecine contemporaine, les pratiques médicales supérieures et les services médicaux de meilleure qualité sont de plus en plus liés aux ...
The H-index has been increasingly used in the ranking of academic institutions, including universities because it has been increasingly considered as an important tool for academic leadership assessment. The collective H-index of the academics in an institution represents the institution H-index. The ranking of academic institutions including universities is actually aiming at determining which institutions are leading in their fields and giving them a reputation credit according to their rank. The main aim of this book is to provide the essential knowledge needed by academics about the...
The H-index has been increasingly used in the ranking of academic institutions, including universities because it has been increasingly considered as ...
Physicians, particularly consultants, are frequently placed in teaching and training positions. Many doctors are teaching medical students in medical schools and training residents in teaching and university hospitals. In addition, many doctors have an obligation to the development of their students, trainee, and their organizations. Therefore, the principles and concepts of development have become increasingly relevant to doctors running hospitals, medical schools and other health institutions and centers. This textbook book is a useful compendium of the conceptual structure of training and...
Physicians, particularly consultants, are frequently placed in teaching and training positions. Many doctors are teaching medical students in medical ...
The zoonotic disease human-monkey pox was first reported in 1970, twelve years after the isolation of monkey pox virus in a laboratory in Denmark in 1958. For decades the disease remained confined to West Africa and the Congo basin. However, during the early 2000s, the disease appeared in the USA and Sudan. On the 31st of May, 2002, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control reported the occurrence of 557 confirmed cases worldwide including 321 confirmed from 17 European Union/European Economic Area countries, and 236 confirmed cases occurred in ten non-endemic countries outside...
The zoonotic disease human-monkey pox was first reported in 1970, twelve years after the isolation of monkey pox virus in a laboratory in Denmark in 1...
Viele Länder auf der ganzen Welt kämpfen darum, die Grundversorgung im Gesundheitswesen zu verbessern, und sind nicht in der Lage, die teuren traditionellen Nierenersatztherapien anzubieten, deren Ergebnisse in diesen Ländern zunehmend als eher enttäuschend angesehen werden. In diesen Ländern ist man auf jeden Fall auf der Suche nach alternativen Therapien für die Versorgung von Patienten mit chronischem Nierenversagen. Ein neues Paradigma für das Management solcher Patienten wird zunehmend gefordert, um in solchen Situationen die bestmögliche Qualität der Versorgung zu...
Viele Länder auf der ganzen Welt kämpfen darum, die Grundversorgung im Gesundheitswesen zu verbessern, und sind nicht in der Lage, die teuren tradit...