A Students who has just entered the portals of colleges finds it difficult to understand the research taught to him/her this difficulty is mainly due to understand standard references. While preparing this book "PHYSIO-CHEMICAL ANALYSIS IN SELECTED SITES AND MOLECULAR STUDIES WITH CONSERVATION STATUS OF FRESH WATER STREAM FISHES IN PALANI HILLS OF SOUTHERN INDIA "has been prepared to serve the special purpose of research students. This book explains the basic research methodology and Techniques in a simplified manner. This book can be used for PG and research scholar of Zoology students, who...
A Students who has just entered the portals of colleges finds it difficult to understand the research taught to him/her this difficulty is mainly due ...
Ein Student, der gerade erst die Pforten der Hochschulen betreten hat, findet es schwierig, die ihm/ihr beigebrachten Forschungsarbeiten zu verstehen, was vor allem daran liegt, dass er/sie die Standardreferenzen nicht versteht. Bei der Vorbereitung dieses Buches "PHYSIO-CHEMISCHE ANALYSE AN AUSGEWÄHLTEN STANDORTEN UND MOLEKULAREN STUDIEN MIT ERHALTUNGSSTATUS VON FRISCHWASSER-BACHFISCHEN IN PALANI HILLS VON SÜDINDIEN" wurde dieses Buch speziell für Forschungsstudenten erstellt. In diesem Buch werden die grundlegenden Forschungsmethoden und -techniken auf vereinfachte Weise erklärt. Dieses...
Ein Student, der gerade erst die Pforten der Hochschulen betreten hat, findet es schwierig, die ihm/ihr beigebrachten Forschungsarbeiten zu verstehen,...
Students who has just entered the portals of colleges finds it difficult to understand the subject taught to him/her this difficulty is mainly due to understand standard references. While preparing this "THE PREPARATORY BOOK OF CELL AND MOLECULAR GENETICS" has been prepared to serve the special purpose of college students. This Preparatory book explains the basic Cell and Molecular genetics Structure and cytological technique in a simplified manner. This Preparatory book can be used for UG and PG Zoology students, who are looking for a quick revision before the Examination. This Preparatory...
Students who has just entered the portals of colleges finds it difficult to understand the subject taught to him/her this difficulty is mainly due to ...
Un étudiant qui vient d'entrer dans les portails des collèges trouve difficile de comprendre la recherche enseignée à lui / elle cette difficulté est principalement due à comprendre les références standard. En préparant ce livre "PHYSIO-CHEMICAL ANALYSIS IN SELECTED SITES AND MOLECULAR STUDIES WITH CONSERVATION STATUS OF FRESH WATER STREAM FISHES IN PALANI HILLS OF SOUTHERN INDIA" a été préparé pour servir l'objectif spécial des étudiants en recherche. Ce livre explique la méthodologie et les techniques de recherche de base d'une manière simplifiée. Ce livre peut être...
Un étudiant qui vient d'entrer dans les portails des collèges trouve difficile de comprendre la recherche enseignée à lui / elle cette difficulté...