Ce manuel pratique donne des informations détaillées sur la classification des animaux, leur structure, les particularités des phylum avec leurs exemples. Le manuel contient suffisamment de photographies, d'explications schématiques et d'explications théoriques. Il aidera les étudiants en zoologie alliée à comprendre le syllabus de la manière la plus facile. L'objectif de la préparation du manuel est d'aider les étudiants à comprendre la dissection des animaux, le montage des petits organes et le dessin des diagrammes, etc. En outre, ils pourront acquérir des connaissances sur le...
Ce manuel pratique donne des informations détaillées sur la classification des animaux, leur structure, les particularités des phylum avec leurs ex...
College students find it difficult to understand the subject taught mainly due to understanding standard references. While preparing this THE TEXTBOOK OF HEAVY METALS AND TOXIC EFFECT OF FISH Labia rohita (Analysis of Textile waste in freshwater bodies of Native Place in Namakkal District) has been prepared to serve the special purpose of college students. This book explains the advanced Research in toxicology and the effect of heavy metals on fish in a simplified manner. This book can be used for UG and PG zoology students, who are looking for a quick revision before the semester...
College students find it difficult to understand the subject taught mainly due to understanding standard references. While preparing this THE TEXTBOOK...
The college students to find difficult to understand the subject taught to mainly due to understand standard references. While preparing this "PRACTICAL MANUAL OF DIVERSITY AND FUNCTION OF INVERTEBRATES&CHORDATS (ALLIED ZOOLOGY)" (A Revised Syllabus based on Periyar University) has been prepared to serve the special purpose of college students. This Manual explains the advanced Invertebrates & chordates practical in a simplified manner. This Manual can be used for UG and PG zoology students, who are looking for a quick revision before the semester practical Examination. This Manual has been...
The college students to find difficult to understand the subject taught to mainly due to understand standard references. While preparing this "PRACTIC...
College students find difficult to understand the subject taught mainly due to the standard references. This textbook has been prepared to serve college students. It explains the advanced research in CLINICAL NUTRITION in a simplified manner. The book has been written for preparatory students in the field of medical nutrition and diet. The textbook covers general principles of medical nutrition studies. This study can be used for UG and PG zoology students who are looking for a quick revision before the semester examination.
College students find difficult to understand the subject taught mainly due to the standard references. This textbook has been prepared to serve colle...
Ein Student, der gerade die Pforten der Hochschulen betreten hat, findet es schwierig, das ihm/ihr beigebrachte Fach zu verstehen, was vor allem daran liegt, dass er/sie die Standardreferenzen nicht versteht. Das Buch "THE PREPARATORY BOOK OF CELL AND MOLECULAR GENETICS" wurde speziell für Studenten entwickelt und erklärtdie grundlegende Struktur der Zell- und Molekulargenetik sowie die zytologische Technik in vereinfachter Form. Dieses Vorbereitungsbuch kann von UG- und PG-Zoologiestudenten verwendet werden, die eine schnelle Wiederholung vor der Prüfung suchen. Dieses Vorbereitungsbuch...
Ein Student, der gerade die Pforten der Hochschulen betreten hat, findet es schwierig, das ihm/ihr beigebrachte Fach zu verstehen, was vor allem daran...
The college students to find difficult to understand the subject taught to mainly due to understand standard references. While preparing this "THE TEXT BOOK OF CELL BIOLOGY" (A Revised Syllabus based on Periyar University) has been prepared to serve the special purpose of college students. This book explains the advanced Research in cell biology in a simplified manner. This book can be used for UG and PG zoology students, who are looking for a quick revision before the semester Examination. This book has been written to students and preparatory the field of Life science & zoology , no such...
The college students to find difficult to understand the subject taught to mainly due to understand standard references. While preparing this "THE TEX...
Les étudiants ont du mal à comprendre le sujet qui leur est enseigné, principalement parce qu'ils ne comprennent pas les références standard. En préparant ce "TEXT BOOK OF DIVERSITY AND FUNCTION OF INVERTEBRATES&CHORDATS (ALLIED ZOOLOGY)" (un syllabus révisé basé sur l'Université de Periyar) a été préparé pour servir l'objectif particulier des étudiants. (Un syllabus révisé basé sur l'Université de Periyar) a été préparé pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques des étudiants. Ce livre explique de manière simplifiée la recherche avancée sur la diversité et la...
Les étudiants ont du mal à comprendre le sujet qui leur est enseigné, principalement parce qu'ils ne comprennent pas les références standard. En ...