Modern information technologies in education, didactic methods and upbringing: The monograph discusses this central notion of involvement by addressing related issues/ideas, namely, the purpose of studying information technologies, informatics and teaching and learning methods, the awareness of the significance of the object of study, and the personal/aesthetic dimension of information technologies (informatics and teaching and learning methods), that is notions/ideas that have not received attention by the science education community. The main idea that drives the discussion throughout the...
Modern information technologies in education, didactic methods and upbringing: The monograph discusses this central notion of involvement by addressin...
Moderne Informationstechnologien in Bildung, didaktischen Methoden und Erziehung: In der Monographie wird dieser zentrale Begriff der Einbeziehung erörtert, indem verwandte Themen/Ideen angesprochen werden, nämlich der Zweck des Studiums der Informationstechnologien, der Informatik und der Lehr- und Lernmethoden, das Bewusstsein für die Bedeutung des Studienobjekts und die persönliche/ästhetische Dimension der Informationstechnologien (Informatik und Lehr- und Lernmethoden), d. h. Begriffe/Ideen, die von der wissenschaftlichen Bildungsgemeinschaft nicht beachtet wurden. Der Hauptgedanke,...
Moderne Informationstechnologien in Bildung, didaktischen Methoden und Erziehung: In der Monographie wird dieser zentrale Begriff der Einbeziehung erÃ...
This book covers a wide range of topics related to the implementation of numerical methods and computer simulation in the educational process. It provides the reader with a deep understanding of modern educational approaches based on the application of these methods. The book delves into key aspects of applying numerical methods in teaching and illustrates how computer simulation can aid in understanding complex concepts in the learning process. It also demonstrates practical cases of using these methods in various fields of education, helping the reader grasp their practicality and...
This book covers a wide range of topics related to the implementation of numerical methods and computer simulation in the educational process. It prov...