Eine Leseprobe finden Sie unter "https://verlag.sandstein.de/reader/98-722-Zwiebelmuster-engl"The Blue Onion Pattern is almost as old as the European invention of porcelain itself! But what is so special about it? Why has it fascinated us for three hundred years? What role did the Onion Pattern play in 18th century Chinese export porcelain in underglaze blue and famille rose? The history of the Blue Onion Pattern is intertwined with the history of blue-and-white porcelain painting itself. Anja Hell sheds light on the beginnings of Meissen underglaze blue painting until the year 1739, and...
Eine Leseprobe finden Sie unter "https://verlag.sandstein.de/reader/98-722-Zwiebelmuster-engl"The Blue Onion Pattern is almost as old as the European ...