Humans have two sets of teeth, hence called dipyodont. The first set is called primary dentition, because of its first arrival in the oral cavity, it is a transitory phase and it is finally replaced by a set of permanent/secondary dentition through a mixed dentition period. The role played by primary dentition is very crucial and has far reaching consequences even though they stay for a very crucial short duration of the whole human life. The primary dentition acts as a guide for the erupting permanent successors as it acts as a space maintainer for the permanent dentition. Any pathology...
Humans have two sets of teeth, hence called dipyodont. The first set is called primary dentition, because of its first arrival in the oral cavity, it ...
L'améloblastome est une tumeur qui naît de l'épithélium odontogène et dont l'incidence dans la population est estimée à environ 0,5 par million. L'améloblastome est la deuxième tumeur odontogène la plus fréquente. Il se produit exclusivement dans les mâchoires, avec une forte prédilection pour la région postérieure de la mandibule. Bien que bénin, l'améloblastome est une tumeur destructrice, localement invasive et présentant un taux élevé de récidive malgré une ablation chirurgicale adéquate. Il est considéré comme la tumeur odontogène la plus importante sur le plan...
L'améloblastome est une tumeur qui naît de l'épithélium odontogène et dont l'incidence dans la population est estimée à environ 0,5 par million...
Cleft lip and cleft palate is one of the most common congenital anomalies requiring multidisciplinary care. Such anomaly causes many problems such as impaired suckling, defective speech, deafness, malocclusion, gross facial deformity, and severe psychological problems. Pediatric dentist performs a dual role in both improving the personal impact as well as improving the surgical outcome. Pedodontist has a key role to play in providing continuity, high-quality, preventive-based dental care. Thorough treatment planning, patient support and skillful behavior management are important aspects of...
Cleft lip and cleft palate is one of the most common congenital anomalies requiring multidisciplinary care. Such anomaly causes many problems such as ...