This book, through scientific knowledge, aims to present in an easy, concise and orderly manner the most frequent diseases and disorders of the posterior segment of the eye since some of them may cause alterations so severe that they can even lead to blindness.I trust that this book will make a better evaluation of this topic, making a more appropriate analysis with a large number of photos and images, which will help to have a better understanding of the problem.I have tried to follow some selection criteria with the pathologies that may be more frequent in the vitreoretinal speciality...
This book, through scientific knowledge, aims to present in an easy, concise and orderly manner the most frequent diseases and disorders of the poster...
This book, through scientific knowledge, aims to present in an easy, concise and orderly manner the most frequent diseases and disorders of the posterior segment of the eye since some of them may cause alterations so severe that they can even lead to blindness or death.I trust that this book will make a better evaluation of this topic, making a more appropriate analysis with a large number of photos and images, which will help to have a better understanding of the problem.I have tried to follow some selection criteria with the pathologies that may be more frequent in the retina, uveitis ant...
This book, through scientific knowledge, aims to present in an easy, concise and orderly manner the most frequent diseases and disorders of the poster...
This book, through scientific knowledge, aims to present in an easy, concise and orderly manner the most frequent diseases and disorders of the posterior segment of the eye since some of them may cause alterations so severe that they can even lead to blindness.I trust that this book will make a better evaluation of degenerative disorders of retina and choroid, making a more appropriate analysis with a large number of photos and images, which will help to have a better understanding of the problem.This work takes its place as one of the most comprehensive yet readable books on the retina and...
This book, through scientific knowledge, aims to present in an easy, concise and orderly manner the most frequent diseases and disorders of the poster...
Le principal intérêt des cellules souches en ophtalmologie est le traitement des affections dégénératives de la rétine telles que la rétinite pigmentaire, la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l'âge ou la dégénérescence myopique, et d'une manière générale, de toutes les maladies de la rétine qui forment des cicatrices. Les cellules souches sont prélevées dans la moelle osseuse adulte et injectées par voie intravitréenne, ce qui permet d'améliorer les performances des cellules rétiniennes telles que les photorécepteurs. Il s'agit d'un travail de recherche qui m'a donné...
Le principal intérêt des cellules souches en ophtalmologie est le traitement des affections dégénératives de la rétine telles que la rétinite p...
Das Hauptinteresse von Stammzellen in der Augenheilkunde gilt der Behandlung von degenerativen Netzhauterkrankungen wie Retinitis pigmentosa, altersbedingter Makuladegeneration oder myopischer Degeneration und allgemein allen narbenbildenden Erkrankungen der Netzhaut. Stammzellen werden aus dem Knochenmark von Erwachsenen entnommen und intravitreal injiziert, wodurch die Leistung von Netzhautzellen wie den Photorezeptoren verbessert wird. Diese Forschungsarbeit hat mich vier Jahre meines Studiums gekostet, um das Verhalten von Stammzellen in der Netzhaut zu verstehen. Mit dieser kurzen...
Das Hauptinteresse von Stammzellen in der Augenheilkunde gilt der Behandlung von degenerativen Netzhauterkrankungen wie Retinitis pigmentosa, altersbe...